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The idea for Kitten came to me during one of those famous what-if moments that urge the writer to leave their comfort zone and try something new.

I thought about motorbikes, small towns, a boy everyone likes and a shy girl who doesn't fit in.

Kitten is about first, forbidden love when your head and your heart are at war, and everyone tells you it's not going to end well, at least not with him.

Kitten is about the mistakes we make and the secrets we keep. It's a story about friendship and loyalty, loss and heartbreak, and, most importantly, about the importance of finding yourself and knowing what is good for you.

Brian and Leah come from different backgrounds and see life in a different way, but what if being different wasn't that bad?

Sometimes, it takes an event to change our lives, and a person to add some color to the otherwise gray and gloomy days, even if that person is a bold, obnoxious but good-looking guy.

I hope you enjoy this new story of mine. The chapters will take a while to come out, but I will announce everything on my message board.

Once again, thank you for being here.
Happy reading❤


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