39. Tequila and the Stars

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Annie grins at her reflection in the mirror and then looks over at me

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Annie grins at her reflection in the mirror and then looks over at me. A sigh leaves her lips.

"You've been weird. We're in my mom's salon, getting dolled up for free in the city. Where's the happiness? Spill it, girlfriend."

"You know me well," I mumble, looking at my freshly manicured, red nails. I've never looked prettier. Yet, my thoughts don't let me enjoy our little trip.

Annie loses patience. "So?"

"So, Mom saw me kissing Brian. And of course, she told me men like him never changed, as if she knew him."

"Well, you're dating. At some point, she had to learn about it."

"That's not what bothers me. She did tell me not to come crying to her when he breaks my heart, but you know what? I'd rather take a risk than live the way she does, lonely and bitter."

"Then why are you so upset?"

I study the hem of my new dress. "I think Mom was talking about my dad, whom I've never met. I asked her who he was, but she said he was a big mistake and he didn't care about us. Then, she went to bed, and I couldn't get anything else out of her. But now, Annie? Now I'm overthinking everything.

"Her reaction was strange. What isn't she telling me? I've been Leah Mitchell all my life, but what if there's more to my family history? The only person who can tell me the truth doesn't want to do it, and I am going so crazy that I came to think that maybe Mom and Brian's dad went out when they were young, and that's why...God, what if I'm Brian's sister? I've seen and touched his...oh, God."

Annie laughs so hard her mom, Ada, glances at us from where she is curling the hair of a client.

"Leah, that's impossible. Everyone in town knows Brian's mom and dad. They have only dated each other. Besides, they had Jimmy when you weren't even born."

"I know. I just don't know what to think."

"Maybe he is a horrible person, and she tries to protect you. You know I wasn't lucky in that department," Annie adds, lowering her voice so that her mom cannot hear.

"Then why can't she just tell me the truth? His name, at least? I am an adult, and I deserve to know."

Annie nods. "That's right. I think there's a solution."


My friend shrugs. "You snoop. Maybe she keeps something that has to do with him - papers or pictures."

"Of course! How could I be so stupid?"

"Maybe you'll find nothing," Annie rushes to say, "but it wouldn't hurt to try. Just be ready for a disappointment. It's not very common for fathers who abandon their kids to be good people. And before we get the makeup done, one more question, does it still hurt?"

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