37. Someone Like Him

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I stifle a yawn, writing today's date in my notebook

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I stifle a yawn, writing today's date in my notebook. Annie texted me, saying she was running late. I hope she gets here before the first period starts. Our teacher isn't permissive when it comes to tardiness.

Brian wanted to take me to school, but I needed my usual morning walk to clear my head and put my thoughts in order. Yesterday's events and Brian's confessions left me drained.

As I let my eyes roam the classroom that is quickly filling with students, I wonder if Brian is truly happy. Things make much more sense now. Brian is used to hiding his pain and worries behind his carefree attitude. I know he loves bikes and his job in the garage, but a brain like his might require something more challenging.

Brian's reluctance to even consider going to college worries me. Inevitably, my thoughts drift to our future.

Do we even have a future together? I know the life my mom is leading isn't for me. I want to study and go places. Staying in a small town isn't what I see myself doing for the rest of my life. I might be naīve, but I do believe there's something else out there, something exciting waiting for me.

I glance at the clock on the wall. The class is about to start, and everyone is here, except for Annie.

Gavin is at his desk, and when my gaze lands on him, he rewards me with a look full of distaste.

I avert my eyes quickly. Luckily, I hear Annie's rushed footfalls as she hurries to take a seat next to me.

"Hey." She pants. "I'm so happy I'm not late. Kenzie and I argued, and-"

The teacher strolls into the classroom, and I groan, frustrated by not being able to talk to my friend.

"So, what happened?" I ask Annie as we sit at a table in the canteen later.

"Kenzie has been bugging me about college for weeks now. I find brochures in the most unexpected places. It's getting ridiculous."

"Don't you want to go to college?"

Annie lets out a deep sigh. "I don't know what I want, Leah. I don't know what I want to study. I am completely lost, and being bombarded with leaflets and prospects isn't making it easier."

"I'm sure Mac wants the best for you," I say. "I know he's a good guy, and he loves you. If he didn't, he wouldn't care. The easiest thing for him is to encourage you to stay in this town."

"I know. We made up because I can't stand being mad at him, and I promised Kenzie we would discuss the options tonight. Well, enough about me. What about you and Brian?"

"He told me his secrets," I admit.

Annie stares at me. "He did?"

"All of them. And I'm still trying to process that. Did you know?"

Trapping her bottom lip between her teeth, Annie nods. "I'm sorry for not saying anything to you before. Brian begged us to keep it secret, especially the part where he almost...you know. We wouldn't betray his trust."

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