4. Charity Case

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"Charity case!"

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"Charity case!"

"How's life in the dumpster?"

"Got those clothes from Goodwill?"

I duck my head and clutch the textbooks to my chest as I rush to first period, trying to ignore the sneering glances and hurtful comments my classmates throw my way.

I'm used to them. The ugly words ricochet off me as if they were tennis balls, but they leave bruises, although I never let it show. I'm counting days until this hell is over, and Gavin and I go to college far from here. I can't wait to escape this town and these mean people.

"Charity!" a guy yells to my back. I bite my trembling lip, and just as I'm ready to round a corner, a commotion breaks out behind me.

"What did you say, asswipe? Cat got your tongue now, huh? Repeat it, fucker, or I'll rip your balls off and feed them to the dogs."

Stunned, I watch as a tiny blond girl jams her finger into the guy's chest.

He pales. "Annie, come on, I won't say shit again, just d-don't tell Mac."

"Oh, I'll tell him for sure, you dickhead, unless you apologize to her," the blond girl says, nodding toward me.

I shake my head, and her eyebrows scrunch up. She refocuses on the beefy guy. "Class is about to start. I don't have all morning."

"I'm sorry," he says, glancing at me before averting his gaze.

The girl, Annie, pats his chest and gives him a sickeningly sweet smile. "Good boy. Remember, balls and dogs. Now, shoo, go away."

Once my bully's gone, Annie walks up to me. "I'm Annie. What's your name?"

"Leah," I say meekly. Did she really threaten that guy for me?

"Nice to meet you, Leah. Don't worry; that piece of shit will keep his mouth shut. Nobody wants to piss Mac off."

"Who's Mac?"

Annie grins. "My guy. He graduated last year, but everyone knows him. Nobody messes with me if they want to be in his good books."

"Thank you," I say.

Annie shrugs. "It's nothing. You're going to Lit, right? I've seen you before. Do you wanna sit with me?"

I want to, but Gavin's waiting for me in the classroom. "I'd love to, but I can't, sorry. My boyfriend's there; I'm sure he saved me a seat."

Annie frowns and raises her brows. "Boyfriend? How the hell does he let them call you names like that?"

I look at my feet. "He doesn't like violence."

Annie grins and gives her head a little shake. "And I don't like pussies."


We walk to class together. As we enter the room, I spot Gavin and head toward him. Annie sits and chats with a dark-haired girl.

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