35. Secrets

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I'm done with my classes earlier than usual

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I'm done with my classes earlier than usual. The teacher is sick, and they canceled our last period. Annie suggests we go shopping, but I tell her I have plans with Brian.

I don't have plans per se, but I'm going to see him at the garage. I didn't get a chance to thank him for the little stars, and he didn't answer my texts, which is quite unlike him.

The unease that grips my insides as I walk home morphs into worry when I'm next to the repair shop. Brian's dad is inside, but not his son.

"Good afternoon," I say, stepping over the threshold.

Brian's dad smiles. "Leah, what a surprise. Are you looking for Brian?"

I nod, hoping I don't look like a desperate, clingy girlfriend.

Mr. O'Brien rests the tool he'd been using on the floor and says, "Well, Brian wasn't feeling well, so I made him lie in his room. You've been there, right? Take the key; he'll be happy to see you."

I accept the small metal object from Brian's dad's hand. "Thank you."

"Not at all. Go cheer him up."

I leave the garage and stroll to Brian's house. Silence greets me, and I wonder if Brian's sleeping.

Once I'm upstairs, I open his bedroom door and peek inside. Brian is sprawled on the bed, shirtless. A pair of shorts ride low on his hips, and the sight makes my cheeks flush — I haven't stopped thinking about Brian and the way he touched me. I'm dying to feel it again, but I don't know if I can ask him. Would he find it weird if I did? Should I wait until we're alone again and he makes a move?


Brian's eyes are open; they probably have been for a while. He's looking at me with a devilish smile on his lips. "I know I look good, babe, but you can say hello."

"Hi," I squeak.

"Hey, princess. Lock the door and come here."

I obey and approach the bed. Brian pulls me to him, and I make myself comfortable by his side. "Are you sick?" I ask. "Your dad said you weren't feeling well."

Brian groans. "Mac and Pops are acting like two nannies, I swear. It's nothing, babe, just a nasty headache. I took a pill, and it should pass soon."

"Does this happen often?"

Brian chuckles and tucks a strand of hair behind my ear. "Look at how she worries about me. Not too often, but I guess not sleeping and smoking half a pack last night didn't help my case."

"Why couldn't you sleep?"

Brian grins at me. "Cause I was dreaming about ripping the panties off your cute little ass and kissing you there until you scream my name. Kissing your girl, I mean. Your cute little ass, too, if you'd let me."

"Why did I have to ask?" I mumble, covering my burning face with my palms.

Brian laughs and hugs me. "Come here, Kitten. Let me be a good boyfriend and kiss you hello."

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