47. The Moon and the Sun

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I've spent the last half an hour with Leah in my arms, caressing her warm, silky skin

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I've spent the last half an hour with Leah in my arms, caressing her warm, silky skin.

What happened between us shook me to the core. I knew it was bound to occur sooner or later. Lately, our caresses grew bolder, and we both struggled to stop whenever we were together. One thing is certain— I would lie if I said I expected our first time to be tonight, in my bedroom at Jim's. My brother might forget the day of his first arena concert of this magnitude, but I won't be able to.

I let my fingers wander over Leah's beautiful back, and think about how much meeting her changed me. It's not only because I haven't touched my pills or my cigarettes in weeks, and it has little to do with the fact that I am calmer. The change is more profound than that, and somehow in my gut, I know it's only the beginning. 

We are different and similar at the same time. Kitten's shyness balances out my boldness, and I know I bring out the adventurous, brave, and fierce side of her she keeps hidden inside, burdened by so many years of poverty and the lack of affection from the only parent she has ever known.

I smile when I close my eyes and envision her the day she finally spreads her wings and breaks free from her cage. I will have to crush the bones of more than one asshole because I know that girls like her are rare, and if I know that, many others do as well.

"We have to clean you up, baby," I whisper, kissing Leah's hair. "How about a shower together?"

A tender smile plays on Kitten's lips. "Yeah, why not?"

I help her up, hating seeing her wince. I tried not to be too rough, but I wasn't thinking clearly. I wasn't doing it at all, too consumed by Leah.

"Does it hurt?" I ask her as we walk to the en-suite, naked and holding hands.

"It doesn't. It feels weird, and it stings a bit, but it wasn't that bad at all. Don't worry," Kitten says and kisses my bicep.

In the bathroom, I turn on the shower and make sure it's not too hot. Then, I step under the spray and pull Leah to me, wrapping my arms around her as I hold her.

The water falls over us, and I smile when Leah scrunches up her nose. Reaching for the shampoo, I take the bottle and open it,  pouring some onto my palms to put it on Kitten's long hair.

I love taking care of her, and that's another first.

My hands cannot keep still. I slide them over Leah's body, spreading the lather over her skin. This time, it's from the body wash I found on the shelf. The smell is fruity, and Leah hums her approval, doing it even more when I caress her breasts and move my hand south of her belly.

I am telling myself it's to clean her, but it's a lie. I want her again, but I don't want to hurt her more than I did. So, I do the second-best. I caress her with my fingers, slowly and carefully, moving them over her sensitive spot. My other hand fondles Leah's breasts as she leans against me and closes her eyes.

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