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       So, as most of you can imagine, I write because I have ideas and because it's fun, so while I cut out a lot of ideas which I think would be interesting for the sake of plot continuity,  logic, or  keeping the book from becoming too depressing (admittedly I still add some in) I figured why not share one of these ideas as a fun little non-canon extra (Err... apparently I'm writing non-canon fanfic stories for my non-canon fanfic story... this is my life now.)

       Anyway obviously you guys don't know this, but one of my plans was to make Nox one of the villains, actually it wasn't until I was writing this that that changed, so you might notice a few inconsistencies with Izuku's mysterious mentor figure in early on chapters and the Nox in this story, and so I thought that would be a kind of cool 'what if' short story to make.

And then I realized that it would be a super depressing ending note; so I didn't.

Look at that, self control for once. (At least I haven't fake killed any characters in this book... oh...Uh... *laughs nervously*).

   So instead I chose something happier to do because this book has angst enough already. With that... enjoy!



       "The heroes still think you're dead." Shigaraki scoffed.

       "The heroes," Deku tossed his head in a poor mockery of super villains in old films that he knew would have the Johnson sisters cracking up with laughter where they waited behind him. He tugged on his gloves with the same pointed air as you'd expect somebody to inspect their fingernails. He could feel Shigaraki's frustration growing, but knew he'd earned enough of their respect that he had a few more seconds before they tried disintegrating him. He didn't test it though, "will think what I want them to think." 

        He rather enjoyed playing the part of a villain fully.

      Shigaraki scowled grumpily, "Its only because of the League that you pulled this off."

      "You know he really did try to kill me; didn't even ask your questions!  Although I suppose you are a little right, Shigaraki, you did help me fake my death. But don't think for one moment I couldn't have without that- you just gave me the idea." Deku grinned, "Well then, you have your information packet on Endeavor, I've enjoyed this lovely chat, so I gotta run now!"

      "Yeah, yeah, scram."

      "Alright, Love you, bye." Izuku hopped off the fence he sat on so that he was on the opposite side as the grey haired viallain, disappearing from the villains sight and sliding into the waiting car at the end of the alleyway.

    His face was bright red and erupting with steam by the time he closed the door.

     He opened his eyes to see Sare and Suzie, both fighting to keep down laughter as they slid into the car, Cogitatio likewise appeared to be struggling to fight back a smile from his place behind the wheel- Izuku hadn't thought he'd regret having them listen in so quickly, he had been wrong.

     "Wh- ohhh, oh my god, not again." Suzie broke into laughter anew as Cogitatio started the car.

     Sare masked her smile and laughter beneath her hand, "Third time this has happened in the last five times I've seen you." She paused to get control of her chuckling for a moment, "You really need to stop leading all these strangers on."

     Suzie broke out into fresh peals of laughter as well.

     "Sare! I'm not! I don't do it that often- I- you can't- st- I'm just so used to ending conversations with 'Re with it! He- qui- it's no- Agh!"

   "Fifth this month." Cogitatio said softly from the driver's seat.

     Sare deadpanned as Suzie's laughter rose even higher, "It's only the sixth."

       Cogitatio's grin was visible in the mirror, "Yes."

        "It's not that funny." Izuku huffed as, fifteen minutes and some traffic later, they entered the room for their bi-monthly meeting.

       "Admitting it's funny then." Katsuo grinned winningly at them from the chair he was lounging in, a glass of juice in hand.

         Izuku glared with narrowed eyes, "You don't even know what I'm saying it for Katsuo."

     He answered without missing a beat, "You keep telling strangers you love them in way of saying goodbye."


      "You're just dying of humiliation, just like the three times I saw you do it. Hi-lar-ious."

    Izuku rolled his eyes fighting back his own smile that had slowly formed.

"My bad, morning of the sixth, and it's already up to seven this month then."


"Eleventh time actually, I've been recording."

     "You have?" Katsuo straightened up looking like Christmas came early.

     "Yep, I've saved his recordings of it when I review the important meeting footage." Jin nodded smugly back, "Every, single, time."

Izuku spun to face his newest adversary, "Jin you traitor!"

"Just doing my job Dekiru, just doing my job."

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