Chapter 19: Frank's POV

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After last night, I decided I was going to make my parents let Gerard stay with us.

He was clearly uncomfortable staying on a stiff couch listening to Mikey and Ray fuck every other night. Plus, I desperately miss him when he's gone. Whatever.

In the morning, we made the journey to my house to ask my parents. We took my car, which was really just my moms car. He had packed the few things he had that weren't at his house and got in the car. We chatted lightly, but neither of us spoke about last night, even though it hung between us, dead in the air.

Finally, we pulled into my gravelly driveway. The TV was on, clearly visible from the window. Probably dad.

"Hello! I'm back! And Gerard is here!" I yelled to the living room. Dad's head poked through the doorway.

"Well hey, if it isn't my two favorite faggots."

I ignored him. "Is mom here?"

"Yeah, she's upstairs,"

I shouted up the stairs to her. "Mom! It's Frank! Can we talk about something down here?"

She replied with a yes, and within a few moments her gentle footsteps creaked down the stairs. We all sat down on the couch and chairs in the living room when I began to ask.

"So, uh... Mom, dad... Gerard's parents kicked him out. He has nowhere to stay and he isn't really happy at Ray's house, so I was thinking maybe he could stay here." I asked nervously.

Dad shook his head while Mom thought. "No. Absolutely not. We have troubles keeping everyone fed as it is." Dad said.

Mom said different. "Personally, I think this is possible. I mean, come on, he's basically homeless right now. What do you want me to do, Walter, decline him? Where would he go?"

"An orphanage, Courtney."

A stunned silence stung the air. An orphanage?! That would be terrible! Gerard would be miserable there. Plus we wouldn't be able to see each other... I wouldn't cope. I can't imagine that.

"I wouldn't allow it. I'd rather be put up for adoption myself. Which, actually, I already consider on a daily basis, but not Gerard." I broke the silence.

"Maybe... Maybe if he put in some money once in a while. Do you have a job, Gerard?" Mom asked

He nodded. "Yeah. Pay isn't great, but I would make it work. I swear, I would be good."

Dad was still uneasy. "But where would you sleep? I'm not sure I'd trust you two sharing a bed."

"You can trust us. We won't do anything. Plus this house has thin walls. You can basically hear anything that happens." I put in.

Dad was finally silent, and mom was nodding her head. "It seems reasonable. I believe this is a yes. When do you plan on getting your stuff?"

"My dad said I can get it today."

"Excellent. It'll be nice having you around until your parents change their minds."

Gerard went silent. We both knew the chances of his parents changing their minds was slim.

"Well, I might as well get a start on getting my things from my house." Gerard said, standing up. "And thank you so, so much Mr. And Mrs. Iero. It means a lot that you would take me in for a while."

She smiled up at him. "You are very welcome. And you can borrow my car if you'd like."

"Would you like me to come along to help?" I asked.

Gerard looked at me solemnly. "I need some time to talk to my parents alone. This is between us."

I nodded and walked him to the car. "Keys in the ignition. careful, okay?" I said to him.

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