Chapter 9: Frank's POV

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"Happy birthday, Frankie!" My mom giggled and hugged me. My dad stood behind her with the most fake smile on his face. I glared at him. My mom didn't notice. "Oh, how I wish we were gonna be here for the whole day!" she said with sadness. They were going on a trip with their friends to Florida, but my idiot dad convinced my mom that I should stay here because of schoolwork and shit. He just wants to be rid of me.

"Well, we're off. Your gift is on the table when you want to open it," Mom smiled at me. She went out to the car with her bags. My dad forced me in to a hug. "Don't screw up while we're away," he whispered to me. I shoved him away from me without a word. "Come on," he said, "I was only joking." I ignored him as I walked away, flipping him off.

Upstairs, I put on a Misfits CD and sat on my bed. Out the window I saw my parents' car pull out of the driveway. I decided to call Gerard.

"Hey," he answered. "What's up?"

"Well, my parents just abandoned me on my birthday for some sort of Florida vacation, so I'm not at my best right now." I put my phone on speaker, paused my music, and laid back on my bed.

Gerard sounded concerned. "Oh. I'm so sorry. And why didn't you tell me it's your birthday? And it's on Halloween?"

"Yeah," I replied, "it's pretty cool. And I don't like bringing up my birthday a lot. But I'm kinda glad my parents aren't here. Or at least my dad. He always manages to make me feel like shit."

"Man, I'm really sorry. And you said your parents are gone now?" he asked.

"Yeah..." I answered nervously.

"I'm coming over." he said before he hung up.

Fuck. My rooms a mess. Frantically, I ran around picking up clothes off the floor and making my bed. About 20 minutes later, I heard the doorbell ring.

I ran downstairs, and opened the door. Gerard stood there with his usual perfection, wearing a leather jacket, Morrissey shirt, and ripped up black jeans. I was wearing a gray hoodie and faded blue jeans with huge holes ripped in the knees. My appearance didn't even compare to him. But he smiled at me anyway.

"Hello, and happy birthday!" He said, walking in. "Thanks for letting me come over... Even though I didn't really give you a choice." he said, chuckling. I shut the door, and led him to my room. I didn't fully finish cleaning it, so there were still a few shirts strewn about. We both sat on my bed, and Gerard asked, "So, birthday boy. What's the big plan for tonight?"

I hadn't really thought about that in all the rushing around. "Um," I began. "Well, I was just gonna rewatch some movies on Netflix or something. But now that you're here, maybe we could do something more interesting."

Gerard thought for a second. "Uh, we could walk around in New York. It's only like 30 minutes away."

"Yeah, but I'd prefer not to get mugged or shot right now."

"Well, what do you suggest?" he asked.

An idea popped in to my head. A devilish smile creeped on my face. "How about crashing a party?"

Gerard's face spread into a grin that matched mine.


We pulled up to Haley Jane's house in Gerard's beat up black truck with evil grins on our faces. Haley is one of the most popular girls in the grade, and has personally tortured me since second grade, but still manages to pretend she doesn't know who I am.

Gerard and I were dressed in crappy costumes we pulled together from random stuff around the house. He was a vampire (perfect with his skin tone) with two little red dots on his neck, courtesy of my sharpie skills, a black nylon cape we found in a box in my basement, and a black shirt with a red tie. I was Frankenstein's Monster, complete with stitch wounds, drawn on by Gerard, and old clothes I put a few holes in to make me look more dead. Both costumes were very unimpressive.

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