tired!richie x worried!stan

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Richie works too much and forgets to eat/drink/sleep🥺

Richie is and always was a straight A student. he's always listing to the teachers, doing some extra work and is everyone's favorite student.

Richie won't tell anyone, but he's works really hard and long. he doesn't really sleep, he doesn't really drink or eat , he just learns and hangs out with the losers.

"babe, cmon , eat something" said Stan gently, rubbing Richies back while the smaller boy take notes for his english class. Richie just shrugged, taking a little bite of his apple and continued to take notes.

Stan shared a worried glance to his friends, before he grabs Richies notes holding it in the air. Richie gasped loudly and tried to take his notes back from his boyfriend.

"Stanley uris! give it back to me!" said Richie while trying to reach it, but he was too short and Stan too tall. I mean sure they sat in the cafeteria, but still Richie couldn't reach it.

"no , you need a break baby" sighed Stan and throw Richies notes in the trash can. Richie gasped so did the losers.

"n-no , why-? you know what! fuuu-fuu- ugh! screw you Stan, why did you do that?!" yelled Richie and teared up. no one expected a reaction like that, sure he would be mad, but crying-

"Baby I promise it's for your best" Stan tried to hug Richie but the smaller boy just stood up, grabbed his stuff and ran out of the cafeteria.

Bill, being Richies best friend for 10 years, followed him. he saw that Richie ran into the bathroom, so he went there too.

when he opened the door he saw a sobbing Richie, hugging his knees. "R-r-rich!" Bill kneaded down, pulling Richie in a hug.

"please talk to me Richie...we are just worried" said bill without stutter. "you didn't stutter once" smiled Richie and whipped his eyes. Bill smiles before waiting Richie to talk.

"I was always a straight A student. I still am. but everything what I do is for my parents...I mean they are great parents believe me billy, but they don't pay much attention. uhm well, always when I get a good great then they like- finally smile at me, they are proud. but like during summer they would just give me dry answers, only nod, tell me I should go somewhere to have fun.. it hurts billy yk? I just want to make everyone proud and happy, not disappointed. and when I was a child, like before school, I was always learning. sure yeah like words, or how to write, but I was reading, doing things to make everyone happy. yeah that's it" Richie nervously tugged his baby blue , oversized sweater and laughed sadly.

Bill teared up, bitting his lip. how didn't they notice that? Richie is so precious, easily to hurt and just general soft. Bill got up grabbing Richie pulling him in a tight hug.

"c-come on, y-yuh-you need to rest, a-and no buts!" Bill literally picked Richie up, grabbed his stuff and carried him out of bathroom. the smaller boy tried to get off of Bills grip, but he was too weak.

"e-ey! S-s-stan! he needs to g-guh-go home " Stan immediately ran up to them, saw Richies red eyes, immediately hugged his boyfriend. he kissed his forehead, pulling away.

"come on Richie" the smaller boy didn't said anything, just letting Stan grab his small hand, going out of the school

(time skip at stans house)

Richie told everything Stan. his boyfriend was shocked. he didn't knew that Richies parents don't give him much attention. he pulled the smaller boy in a hug, holding him tightly. he didn't planned to let go.

"Stanny, you hug a bit too tightly " said Richie and giggled. Stan smiled a bit and they both laid down. Stan wanted to distract his boyfriend so he asked him about his outfit (because why not-).

"hey Rich, I wanted to tell you , that I love it when you wear pastel colors and cute clothes. you look so adorable, really" Richie blushed at the compliment and hid his face in Stans shoulder.

Stan cooed and wrapped his arms around his boyfriend. "goodnight Rich" and kissed his forehead before they both fell asleep. that was the best sleep that Richie ever had in his life.

Richie/Mike x losers club/the party Oneshots Where stories live. Discover now