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so there is this one fan art I really like and I want to do a one-shot about it-
enjoy it

"come on rich, it's bed time" said Stanley as he crossed his arms and looked at his husband, who's watched a show. the smaller male sighed and pouted. "but stanny-" "uh huh baby, let's go" and with that grabbed Stan his hand and dragged him upstairs. as they arrived their bedroom, Richie immediately took his jeans off and climbed in the big , fluffy bed. he stared at the wall for a few minutes, lost in his thoughts, when he felt a arm around his waist. "love you okey? you were really quite today " asked the boy who's just in his underwear (Stan, Richie still has his shirt on). Richie nodded and hide his face in Stans neck. his boyfriend just cooed and wrapped his arms around his small body. "go to sleep pumpkin" and with that drifted Richie in sleep.

(Time skip)

Richie was since a few minutes awake, overthinking everything, while his husband spooned him from behind. Richie couldn't sleep, he had sleeping problems. he let out a sigh and slowly unwrapped Stans arms from his body, so that he could go and open the window a bit. after he opened the window and went into the bed, he felt Stans arms around his waist again. he felt something on his leg and he switched the lights on. he blinked few times, before he saw a spider crawling up his leg. he screamed and kicked his leg in the air. he got the spider off his leg, but it was still on the bed. "Rich?" was all Stan could say before his husband dragged him to Stan up and jumped on his back, arms wrapped around his neck and legs on his waist. Stan needed a moment to realize what Richie did, before he held his legs with his hands. the taller male went out of the room, carrying Richie on his back. "omg, Stan. there is a fucking spider on the bed!!" said richie loudly and hugged Stan tighter, buried his head in his neck. Stan rolled his eyes "that's why you screamed? because of a spider?" he couldn't help but laugh a bit. "shut up! not funny!"
they both slept that night on the sofa, Richie buried his face in stans chest and stans arms around his waist.

on the best morning wondered Stan where he husband was, but he didnt knew that Richie was eaten by the spider that night-
Happy End :)

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