All you need is love

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A strong gust of wind ruffled his hair and blew her gorgeous curls over her shoulders. Charlotte walked along the water line, barefoot, only slightly supporting the hem of her long dress. The feeling of warmth and freedom did not leave her. Charlotte wanted to laugh and shout at the top of her voice about how much she loved Sidney. Miss Heywood looked back at him with a look of adoration, and ran along the Bank, knowing full well that he would follow her at once.
Since the first appearance of Charlotte in his life, Sidney could not understand why this simple and sometimes quite quarrelsome and self-willed girl so easily took over his heart. Everything about Charlotte, even the things that had once annoyed her, delighted Sidney. Her proud chin, her narrowed gaze, even her furrowed brows, aroused deep and strong feelings in him. And her full, soft lips, soft hands, huge, deep eyes, and sensuous body were driving him crazy. Leaving her, even if it wasn't for a long time, was almost physically painful, and he didn't want to feel it anymore. He wanted to never let her out of his arms.
Immediately after the presentation was over, Sidney drew Charlotte deeper into the garden. He loved her too much to allow Eliza to attack Charlotte again, and he missed her too much to share her company with anyone else. Miss Heywood did not resist, instinctively trusting Sidney and following him in silence. Hidden in a thicket, they were finally alone. On the spur of the moment, Sidney finally revealed all his cards, confided all his worries and doubts to Charlotte, and she told him hers in return. They were able to let go of their fears and throw themselves into each other's arms. Their kisses and caresses were so hot that Sidney completely lost his head. His hands boldly explored Charlotte's body, making her tremble with delight. Covering her face and neck with hundreds of hot kisses, he whispered about how much he loved her and couldn't live without her anymore. Charlotte melted in his arms, feeling over the moon. All the passion they had been holding back for so long was finally breaking free, threatening to drown them both and carry them away from reality.
Sidney shook himself, throwing off his sweet delusion, and looked again at Charlotte. She paused and, with a glance at him, removed her dress in a single movement, which slid down her body in a beautiful wave and fell at her feet. It took Sidney's breath away to see Charlotte standing on the deserted beach in her Lacy panties, her feet buried in her long white dress. She smiled, clearly provoking Sidney and, removing the last element of clothing, confidently went into the water to meet the rapid waves.
For a moment, he was speechless, unable to take his eyes off the curves of her body and the water dripping slowly down her bare thighs. He swallowed hard, his mouth hopelessly dry.
- Charlotte, what are you doing? - he finally asked, and didn't recognize his own voice.
She paused and turned slowly to face him, making Sidney's heart leap. Charlotte was so beautiful and desirable that he almost ran to her in a tuxedo.
- I'm going swimming - she said, smiling.
- Without clothes? - Sidney asked, looking around, hoping that no one would see Charlotte like this.
- I take my cue from you - Charlotte teased - You like to swim naked, don't you?
- No... or rather, Yes, but this is quite another matter - he objected.
- Is it? Why? - she asked, her eyes narrowing slyly .
- Someone might see you - Sidney said.
- And what? - she continued.
- We can't let that happen - he said, still not realizing that Charlotte was playing with him. The recent events had so unnerved him that Sidney couldn't get over it - no one should look at you like that. Nobody, do you hear? I don't want anyone to stare at you, at your Breasts, at ... Oh, my God, what are you doing with me?
Charlotte smiled broadly as she sank into the water and looked Sidney up and down.
- Are you just going to stand there just like that? Will you join me? - she asked, standing up again and watching his reaction.
Sidney took off his tuxedo and began hastily unbuttoning the numerous buttons on his shirt, mentally cursing those who had come up with such stupid clothes.
Charlotte sank into the water again, this time with her head in the water, enjoying the coolness of the sea and the moments of calm that had been given her.
She rose to the surface, taking a deep breath of the warm sea air, and tilted her head back to look up at the sky. Passing light clouds charmed her, enveloping her in warmth and giving her an incredible lightness.
Lifting her head, she looked at Sidney, who was standing just a few feet away, watching her every move. She smiled as if inviting action, and he moved to meet her. A second later, Sidney's warm, strong hands closed around her waist and held her tight, making her melt with passion and tenderness.
He buried his hand in her long, wet hair and leaned over her, fighting the urge to kiss her. The small trickles of water still running down her face, neck, and beautiful Breasts made Sidney forget everything.
- Is that what you wanted? - she asked in a whisper.
- Yes - he breathed, and pressed his lips to hers. Charlotte responded by wrapping her arms around his neck, burying her fingers in his wavy hair. Sidney's hands grew bolder, moving steadily down to her buttocks. He lifted her up, and she wrapped her legs firmly around him, pulling Sidney even closer. The kiss, at first impetuous and passionate, became deep and sensual, giving both the incredible joy of being a part of each other. Huge waves splashed against their tightly entwined bodies, but Sidney and Charlotte didn't care about it.

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