Chapter 4

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"And this will be your room (y/n)" Doug said while opening a door at the end of the hallway I nodded and walked in it was all pink and blue with two beds one with a blue blanket and blue and black pillow and some books on top and the other was pink and white just then the door opened and in walked a brown-haired girl she didn't notice me at first and sat on her bed and began to read "Uh hi to you too?" You said causing her to jump "Oh sorry I didn't see you there" she answered, "I'm Lonnie, daughter of Mulan and Li Shang, and you are?" "Uh" is all you could say "Hi um but what's your real name?" She asked, "(y/n)..."I answered "And who are you're parents ?" she asked "Well this is awkward." I said "Who is it!" she asked "fine...S-shan yu" She gasped "hey we are not our parents you seem cool we could be friends." she said "ya ok I guess" I answered

+++Time skip+++ Jay and Carlos's dorm

"Jay, what are you doing?" I asked "It's called stealing" Jay responded, "Okay, what's the point?" Mal asked, "Well, Mal, It's like buying whatever I want, except It's free." Jay explained "Okay. So, you could do that, or you could leave all of this here and pick it up when we take over the world." Mal said


Lonnie: Hey where u is there is only 2 min till curfew

I'm on my way

Lonnie: k

"Hey, guys my roommate is texting me I have to go back to my room or she is going to tell FGM," I said, "Who is your roommate?" Jay asked, "Lonnie I can't believe I got paired with HER!" I yelled, "Who is Lonnie?"Carlos asked "Daughter of Shang and Mulan!" I answered "That sucks" He replied "Yeah but I need to go"

+++Time Skip+++



Did you get the wand????

Carlos: Nope you can thank jay for that

Jay: Hey I tried

Mal: I told u not to touch it

Wow good going jay

Evie: Yea Jay

Jay: Just go to bed its like 1

Fine night

Evie: Gn

Jay: Night

Mal: Evil Dreams

Carlos: nighssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssss

Da fuk??

Jay: He fell asleep with his phone and typing


I turned my phone off and saw the t.v on and a show called Attack on Titan was on it and Lonnie was asleep on the couch i turned the t.v off and went to my bed and started to think what if we don't get the wand what will our parents do what if we do then will our parents care about us as I thought I slowly drifted off to sleep

"Where am I?" I asked sitting up from a white room" Good you are awake" a voice said from a chair next to me "Who are you where am I?" I asked again "You are at my lab I am Dr.Hatter and I am sorry to say this but you where the only one to be alive after the accident" He answered, "What accident what happened?" "You and your friends who were traveling to find Mr.Ch-" He got cut off by the sound of an alarm and red light flashing "Shit! They broke out its not safe here quick into the panic room!" He yelled we were running down a long white hallway when we saw two figures at the end in front of a door that said 'PANIC' "Shitshitshitshit" He cursed "Who are those people and why are they coming to us?!" I shouted, "Can't you see??!" I looked closer and saw bits of white curly hair and a ripped black and white leather jacket and the other one had strands of brown hair and a tattered pink and blue dress on it cant be not them "CARLOS, LONNIE?" I yelled just then Lonnie bit my arm

Hope yall like vote comment and all that jazz and as always 

Evil Dreams

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