Chapter 6

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"If someone hands you a crying baby, do you, A, curse it? B, lock it in a tower? C, give it a bottle? Or D, carve out its heart?" FMG asked I instantly raised my hand "Yes (y/n)?" She asked "D!" I said "No I'm sorry (y/n) that isn't the right one," FGM said "Oh, okay. Anyone else? Mal?"She asked "C, give it a bottle" Mal answered "Correct. Again." FGM said while lightly clapping "You are on fire, girl!" Carlos tried to give Mal high five just then I felt something in my stomach like I wanted to be Mal at that moment what is this feeling just then I notice Carlos and Jay wrestling on the table and FGM trying to get them to stop I went over to them and pulled Jay by the ear off the table "OW Stop your...Ow let go now" Jay responded, "Okay then don't fight." I replied while holding him up more to get him to stop "Ok okokokok" I walked back to my seat and started to fall asleep not paying attention to anything being said

***Carlos's POV***

After the fight, FGM told me and Jay to try out for tourney but I wasn't thinking about tourney I was thinking about (y/n) noticing that they fell asleep on their desk just watching them do anything makes me happy I don't know what this feeling is when I talk to them I just get happy more then I do anyone else I just want to be near them all the time am I...In love?

<><><>Time Skip (Y/n)'s POV<><><>

"Okay this is Dude the school mutt and for the next hour or so I was hoping that you would take care of him for me because I'm going to train Carlos and I can't do both, " Ben said pleadingly "Yea sure "I replied petting his soft fur "Thank you so much (y/n)"Ben said running out the door

I was sitting outside under a large oak tree reading a book I found a new love in reading while petting dude in a matter of seconds dude was running away I chased him for about 10 minutes until I figured out where he was going The Tourney field

I heard screams close by and I knew those screams from anywhere it was Carlos screaming Dude probably found his way to Carlos and was chasing him around

I was running and saw him run into the forest Ben was writing something on his clipboard "BEN DUDE CHASED CARLOS INTO THE FOREST" you yelled while running past ben to find Carlos in a tree and dude barking at the bottom "help me! This thing is a killer! He's gonna chase me down and rip out my throat. This is a vicious, rabid pack animal!" He finished as I picked up the dog and started to pet his head "(Y/N) Why are you holding it it's going to kill you and I can't lose you!" I started to turn as red as a poison apple "Hey, who told you that?" Ben asked from behind me "My mother." Carlos said in a duh tone "Cruella?" Ben asked "She's a dog expert. A dog yeller." Carlos said "Why are you still holding him (y/n) He's gonna attack you" "Carlos, you've never actually met a dog, have you?" Ben asked, "Of course not." Carlos said in a duh tone "Dude, meet Carlos. Carlos, this is Dude. He's the campus mutt." Ben said while I handed Dude to Carlos "He doesn't look like a vicious, rabid pack animal. Jeez. You're a good boy, aren't you? You're a good boy." Carlos said in a baby tone "I guess you guys have it pretty rough on the island." I nodded "Yeah. Let's just say we don't get a lot of belly rubs." Carlos stated "Good boy. I mean, you're a good runner. You're... you're fast, you know" Ben corrected himself "Oh. Yeah. Thank you." Carlos pet dude's back Just then Ben's phone started to ring "Hey it's my dad I have to get this I will talk to you guys later" Ban said walking away " Hi. Hi. Oh! Thank you." Carlos said as Dude licked his face "Hey about last night sorry for waking you up." I said while petting dude "Oh it's fine but why were you outside at midnight?" Carlos questioned "Oh bad dream and I went out to get some fresh air and Lonnie fell asleep and I left my keys inside, Sorry for calling you a fat ass," I said while scratching the back of my head "Oh it's fine... But I'm flattered you've seen my ass" Carlos whispered the last part which caused me to go red in the face "I d-didn't it mean it l-like that" I studdered "Oma you should have seen the look on your face "He chuckled Then I pulled his arm around his back and started to pull more "UNCLE UNCLE" He cried "Don't pull that shit again " I yelled

Vote comment and all that jazz and as always

Evil dreams

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