Chapter 9

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"I can't fucking believe him!" Lonnie shouted while hugging me all I could do was cry it was a waterfall of tears No words only tears, we sat like that for hours until someone knocked at the door me a crying mess ran to the bathroom to not let anyone see me cry I was listing from the bathroom door "Do you know where (Y/n) is ?" I heard Carlos "Yeah they aren't responding to our texts or calls!" Mal stated it was true I put my phone on silent in case jerkface tried to call me

"Well they haven't come back since we went down for a snack," Lonnie said "Have you been...Crying?" Jay asked oh shoot a dying cow "Uh...Allergies!" She spoke loudly "Yeah really bad Allergies you know so yeah you probably don't want to stay here with me being sick and all that cr-" She rambled "Are you hiding (Y/n)?" Mal asked Lonnie "Uh no why would I be hiding (y/n) that is cra-" she was cut off by Mal "(y/n) get out of the bathroom!" Mal yelled I didn't move "(y/n) we can hear you breathing get out now!" slowly I opened the door hiding my face as soon as I opened it I was attacked into two hugs Evie and Carlos who noticed right away that I had been crying also they were the nicest of the bunch

"What.The.Fuck.Did. He. Do?!" Mal and Jay said at the same time I just sobbed in Evies and Carlos arms it was warm "The fucking Mole cheated and guess with who!?" Lonnie shouted "Who?" Evie asked "Fucking Audrey!" she yelled "Okay well I am going to pay Aud-" Mal got cut off "Don't at least not right now" I managed to say "Shouldn't we tell ben about his cheating girlfriend?" I asked getting up from the floor "You rest I will go talk to ben and see if I could get you the day off tomorrow." Evie ordered, "Nope you stay E you, and Carlos always makes people feel better." Mal stopped her halfway out the door "Don't hurt anyone Mal straight there and back" Carlos said as he comforted me again "Scouts honor!" She said putting a hand on her heart "You were never a scout!" Evie laughed

$$$Time Skip$$$

***Lonnies pov***

We helped (Y/n) try to stop crying it was hard we eventually just settled down on the couch and put (F/M) (Fav movie) on in 3 seconds flat (Y/n) was asleep guess crying tires you out next to drop was Carlos then Mal and jay were back as me and Evie was on my bed scrolling threw Instagram "Don't wake them up!" Evie whisper shouted, "Okay so sleepover?" I asked the rest of the VK's right as I said that Mal dropped onto (y/n)'s bed "Guess that means you guys get the floor!" I said in singsong getting sheets and pillows out of the closet "fine by me!" Jay said as he started making a place to sleep

(((Time skip))

(Y/n)'s pov

I woke up and tried to move but something was stopping i looked down to see Carlos's arms wrapped around my gut it was dark so I couldn't see my face but I'm pretty sure I was completely red but it felt nice like something I've been missing my whole life I decided to just go back to be in Carlos's warmth

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