Chapter 15

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Me and Carlos had been walking near where he first met dude "I have been thinking," He said, "That's dangerous!" I Giggled "But really I have been thinking what if we don't steal the wand..." He said "I have been thinking the same thing I mean I love this place," I said "Yeah me too and if our parents do take over Dude is dead for sure mom would make him earmuffs," He said, "Woah look at the view!" I said taking it all in  "Yea it's nice," He said I don't know why but my confidence shot through the roof "It's not as nice as you," I said looking over at him and he looks over at me not realizing how close we where we both started to blush he then did something I wasn't expecting he leaned forward and so did I about 3 seconds later the space between Carlos and I was closed at that moment it was like the universe had fallen and the only thing still there was me and Carlos we then stoped it was magical just then a lightning bug landed on his nose causing me to giggle "You know ever since we got to Aurandon I started to feel bad about how I treated you I mean your mom had already beat you and I wasn't very helpful," I said looking down until he lifted my head again removing any space between us "It's ok we where villains then but we aren't now," he said, "What time is it?" I asked him and he checked his phone "6:27 but I got a text from an unknown number," He said, "What does it say?" I asked him "Am I invited to the wedding? just kidding but treat her right  or you will be sorry," He said, "I think I know who that is," I said "Who?" He asked "Lonnie or Evie ever since I told them that I liked you they have just haven't shut up about it," I lied I knew it was my Father "Oh I thought it might had been a prank from Jay or Evie because they are the only people that I had told," He said, "But I have a question," He said "Sure," I said, "Do you want to be my Girlfriend?" He asked "Yes!" I said jumping in to his arms like a child and smiling like an idiot "We should probably go to bed we have a big day tomorrow," He said, "But I just want this night to last," I said "Me to but you have to sing like a lot so you should get some sleep," He said "Only if you carry me," I said yawning "Ok my mighty warrior," He said and we was off it felt like seconds when we reached the door "Goodnight my mighty warrior," He said "Night my Noir dog lover," I said and tried to get into my dorm but my door was locked and because of what happened today Lonnie was staying at Audrey and Jane's dorm "Wait!" I said turning the corner to see Carlos almost at his dorm "Whats wrong?" He asked "I'm locked out let me crash on your couch," I said catching up to him "Ok come on" He said signling me to come with him once we got there I grabbed a blanket and went to sleep with dude cuddled up at my feet "Goodnight y/n," Carlos said "Goodnight Carlos," I said drifting off to sleep thinking about what all had happened tonight how I have a boyfriend and how in less then 24 hours the world would be different for the worse

Hey guys its me Disney_Fan I hope you guys liked this chapter I usly make all my chapters at least 700 words but I'm just really tired and decided that the next chapter will be the last one for descendants 1 and I will start the sequel with a couple of new people in the next book ILY all have a good day/night peace out and Evil Dreams

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