Chapter 8

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"Mom said, "If a boy can't see the beauty within", then he's not worth it." Can you believe it? What world does she live in?" Jane said as I put my headphones in I recently have been obsessed with the little mermaid mix and was playing Kiss the girl in my earbuds while doing homework on Evie's bed

"Now's your moment
Floating in a blue lagoon
Boy, you better do it soon
No time will be better
She does't say a word
And she won't say a word
Until you kiss the girl" I didn't realize I was singing out loud until mal slapped my arm "Shut it (y/n)." She said clearly upset I realized that Jane was gone and Jay and Carlos were sitting on the floor as ben stood in the doorway "And that is why you are lead singer for the band" Ben complemented "Lead singer!?" They all four said in unison "Oh I forgot to tell you" I said as I put my earbud back in and walked to the library softly mumbling the theme to do you want to bilud a snowman as I walked outside while singing

"We only have each other

It's just you and me
What are we gonna do?" I sang as I walked outside and walked right past monty without noticing and started singing the next song

"I've been looking for a driver who is qualified So if you think that you're the one step into my ride I'm a fine-tuned supersonic speed machine Got a sunroof top and a gangster lead" I sang until I felt a tap on my shoulder witch caused me to grab their hand and thow them to the ground "Oh shit I'm sorry monty you scared me"  I said helping him up "Its ok it didn't hurt too bad I mean I'm pretty strong." He flexed "Yeah or is it that fact that you are half demi-god?" I asked "Maybe, but can I ask you something crazy?" He asked scratching the back of his head "Sure what is it?" I asked confused "Will you go out with me?" He asked as we both started to blush a light pink "Uh s-sure " I said blushing harder 

()()()Time Skip()()()

"OMA (y/n) that is so cute" Lonnie gushed as we walked to the kitchen to get a snak "But I cant belive you guys are dating!" when we walked in the rest of the vks where their mal quickly put a rag on her spellbook so lonnie couldn't see it "Midnight snack, huh? What you guys making?" Lonnie said looking into the bowl "Nothing special. Just cookies." Mal said as me and Lonnie dipped our fingers into the mixture and licked them clean "NO!" They all yelled "What? we aren't  gonna double dip." Lonnie said putting her hands up in defense "Feel anything?" Evie asked "Yeah, like maybe it might be missing something?" Mal asked "Hey, there." Jay tried to flirt wich caused me to burst out into a fit of laughter "Nice try Jay" I said while laughing "It could use some chips." Lonnie walked to the fridge "Chips?" I asked "And those are..." Mal said "Chocolate chips. Just the most important food group." She said sprinkling some into the batter " Wait, didn't your moms ever make you guys, like, chocolate chip cookies? Like, when you're feeling sad, and they're fresh from the oven, with a big old glass of milk, and she just makes you laugh and puts everything into perspective and... why are you all looking at me like that?" She asked "It's just different where we're from." I said looking at my feet "Yeah, I know. I just, you know, I thought... Even villains love their kids." She said "Oh... How awful." She said as a tear driped from her eye and Mal flicked it into the bowl "Yeah, well, big bummer, but we have to get these into the oven, so thank you so much for coming by. Really, really have a good night. I'll see you tomorrow. Evil dreams." Mal said pushing Lonnie and I out "Wait I'm going to stay and help." I said walking back in the kitchen "Ill see you later Lonnie!" I called out "Night guys" She said as she walked away

"Ok nice job hiding the fact that you are making love cookies." I said as i grabbed cookie cutters out of a drawer "That obvious?" Mal questioned "Yea like you fricking flicked her tear into the bowl did you see the confusion on her face?" I asked shapeing the dough 

"Are they all going to be cats flipping someone off?" Carlos questioned I turned to him and gave my most serious face "Yes" I said as i keept cutting them "Ok fine" He said grabbing the pan and putting them in the oven Just then my phone went off ...

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"Are they all going to be cats flipping someone off?" Carlos questioned I turned to him and gave my most serious face "Yes" I said as i keept cutting them "Ok fine" He said grabbing the pan and putting them in the oven Just then my phone went off that I left on the table that Mal and Jay where making icing "Who is bae?" Mal asked as she gave a evil grin "Dont you fucking dare!" I said as I ran over to grab my phone when Jay lifted above my head and answered it and put it on speaker 

"Hey babe" Monty said "Quick Monty hang up!" I yelled "Why?" He asked "My jerk friends have my phone, Give it Jay" I jumped up to grab it "Nope" He said poping the p Jay was the only one out of the group who could tolerate my punching "Stop being a fucking bitch!" I yelled at him "Nope fuck you" He said while tossing my phone to Evie who threw it to carlos who thew it to mal "This isn't fucking monkey in the middle give it to me now!" I said as they kept tossing it around "Hey (y/n)'s boyfriend want to know some secrets about (y/n)? Jay asked as he held it up again "I would Love to" he said I could hear the evil grin just then i hit my phone out of jay's hand it smacked the floor with a shater sound i picked it up to see that it was completely broken "This is your own fault," Jay said as he got the cookies out of the oven "I don't care anymore I'm going to go to bed,"

As i walked out of the door I put my earbuds on with my ipod because Someone broke my phone "Seven a.m., the usual morning lineup start on the chores and sweep 'till the floor's all clean polish and wax, do laundry, and mop and shine up Sweep again, and by then it's like 7:15" I mumbled on the way back I noticed something a fimlier brunette kissing MY Boyfriend "What the actual FUCK!" I yelled loud enough the isle could hear it "Babe its not what it looked like!" Monty said softly "Then what the fuck is it!?" I asked "Because what I see is my cheating boyfriend kissing the fucking Slutest  princesses in the whole school!" I yelled running to my room while crying 

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