Chapter 11

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 Me and Doug (The captain of our band) Were talking about books that were good that we read "But Harry Potter is the best book series you can't deny!" He said, "I might start reading that it sounds cool!" I answered taking a bite out of my peanut butter and jam sandwich "For the first time, It's like I'm more than just a pretty face." Evie said showing us her test "A shocker, huh?" We said at the same time "I bet I can get an A on the next test without the mirror!"Evie said looking at her B+ "There you are! I have been looking for you everywhere!" Mal said mostly to Evie "What's wrong?" Evie asked, "Ben just asked me out on...a date!" Mal answered " Nice." Doug said "We can handle this. Bye Guys." Evie said walking Mal away "That was weird," Doug said, "Come on, it is her first date!" I said getting excited

$$$Time Skip$$$

"I'm am like soooo bord!" Lonnie shouted, "We could go hang with the guys and Evie, I saw the way you look at jay!" I suggested, " What?!" She asked her face a tomato "Oh come on its like love at first sight, you two are meant to be!" I said "ok I might have a small thing for him but you can't tell him or I will HURT you" She threatened "ok geez." I put my hands up "Oh and by the way I see the way you look at Carlos you just sit and stare at him in the history of woodsmen and pirates. Come on just ask him I mean you are perfect!" She said and I started to blush wait this was more than a simple blush it was like my face was covered in blood "See its obvi! (Obvious)" She teased "Really that obvious?" She just nodded "Ok well let's just go and see what they want to do

***Same time but in Carlos pov***

"Come on Carlos just ask her!" Jay shouted at me he knew that I liked (y/n) since we were like 10 only him and Evie knew we knew that if Mal knew she would tell (y/n) "Then why don't you tell Lonnie!" I shot back scratching the back of dudes ear "I'm going to I have it planed I'm asking her in an hour and taking her to the local fair!" Jay said as he held two red and white wristbands that said unlimited on them "Cool!" I said walking over to the tv and turning it on

^^^Time skip (Like 20 min) ((y/n)'s pov^^^

Knock Knock I knocked on the boy's dorm room Jay opened it and his eyes fell on Lonnie and started to blush "Oh hey guys!" Carlos walked up to the door and slapped Jay on the back of the head to get him to stop blushing "Come in!"

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