Chapter 4. Presentation

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—Hinata's POV—

—Hey... can you hear me?

I nod slightly, she helps me up.

—You... sure you're fine?

—Just... leave me alone...

—I wouldn't leave anyone who looks as pale as you alone —she said, holding my hand—.

The golden sand. The blue sea. That gentle breeze caressing my skin. Yeah, I... had no clue what was going on. I was supposed to be at Hope's Peak Academy, and that makes me wonder... why? Just... why am I here?

—That bunny thingy said we're in... a tropical island.

—Yeah, you're right —she said, letting go of my hand—.

I take a look around the beach. There's a TV screen tied up to a palm tree, the screen completely white. There's also a camera held by a tripod. Why? What for?

—Are they spying on us?

—I wouldn't call it "spying". It's probably just a security measure. But, hey!... It's okay to be worried when you have no idea what's going on around you.

What... is wrong with her? How could she be so calm in a situation like this?

—You're feeling better? —she asks me—. I know you're a bit of a mess right now because of what happened... in fact, I'm also... no, wait, we're all kind of startled right now, but... don't you think we should still introduce ourselves to each other?

—I guess so.

—Then, it's nice to meet you. I'm Nagiko Komaeda. I guess I should tell you my talent since we're introducing ourselves, but it's a pretty dumb one.

—Dumb? How could you say that about your own talent?

—Well, my talent is... having good luck.

—Excuse me?

—I know, I know. That's my talent. I'm the Ultimate Lucky Student.

—Ultimate... Lucky Student? You're serious?

—According to my invitation, every student of the country participates in some sort of lottery and the winner gets invited to the academy, with the title of "Ultimate Lucky Student". In other words, I'm here because of my remarkably good luck.

Lottery? What were they thinking about...?

—And now's your turn!

—O- Oh, right. The name's Hajime Hinata.

—Tell me, Hinata-kun. What's your talent?

—I'm the... Ultimate...

I didn't know. I couldn't recall it. Just like reading a book whose pages had been torn apart.

—I don't remember...

—You're fine. It's understandable with all that's been going on. You'll remember soon, that's for sure!

—Yeah, I guess.

—Well, enough with the presentations. I'm not sure of what's going on, but I hope we become good friends.

Out of nowhere we hear... a sound. Like a phone alarm.

—Did you hear that? I think it's coming from...

I get my hand in my pocket, as I believed the sound to come from there. Slowly, I pull out a small device. It's more or less as big as a phone. It looks like... some sort of PDA or Electronic ID.

—What's this thing? It looks like a smartphone or something like that. What's it doing in my pocket?

—You don't remember? Usami just gave it to us. Oh, right, you were passed out —she said, with a subtle smile—.

—So, what is it?

—It's an electronic student notebook —Usami said, right next to me—.

I couldn't help it but scream a bit.

—W- What?! Where did you come from?!

—Awww, I scared you! —she said, with her tender and soft voice—. I'm so sorry. By the way, isn't that thing great? Is it not? Don't lose it, as that tiny ID will be a crucial part of this field trip.

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