Chapter 2. Locked up...?

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—Hinata's POV—

Today's the day I finally join this school... Hope's Peak Academy...! My lifelong dream will be fulfilled if I cross that door, and that door only. This is no ordinary school, neither anything related to it is. For instance, you don't even have to pass any sort of test to join. I've admired this school since I can remember; anyone who gets admitted is guaranteed a successful life, they'll also be considered the hope of the entire world and regarded as the best of their field, better known as their "Ultimate Talent". This is no exaggeration, the media confirms it as well. Nowadays, many local professionals are known for getting their titles there, just like that certain idol and that baseball player...

—I will never... forget this day...

—Hinata's POV ends here—

The brunet took a step forward, ready to enter the academy, but then he... suddently started feeling dizzy, confused even, his vision going blurrier and blurrier every second... and it wasn't long before he passed out...

—Komaeda's POV—

I'm entering Hope's Peak Academy today...! I'm pretty excited, not gonna lie. Still, that was a pretty unusual way of welcoming a student... I would lie if I said passing out on the first day of class was part of my expectations... Well, at least I'm in a room with the so called "Symbols of Hope" right now, I can't help but feel unworthy though... Obviously their talents are superior to mine on every way. Still, that doesn't stop me from feeling the most honest admiration whenever I look at them...

Hey, another one just came in, dressed up like an exchange student... I wonder what would his talent be... But... I can't help but feel like I've met him before...

—Komaeda's POV ends here—

The white-haired's thoughts were interrupted by the students group, all of them focusing on the newcomer...

—Who's there? —a grumpy brunette asked, in the back of the class—.

—Huh? —that's all the new arrival could say—.

—You're... feeling well? You look a bit pale... —a blonde said—.

—You must be one of the freshmen, right? —a certain redhead said—.

—O- Oh... you too? —he answered, scratching his head—.

—Actually... all of us are freshmen —a pink-haired girl pointed out, she was in the back of the class as well—.

—I guess they decided to reunite every freshman here, in this classroom —the girl next to me opined—.

—Hey, why don't you just come in? —said a blond, chubby guy—.

—Eh? O- Oh! Of course!

"Why am I being so formal all of a sudden...? I need to make a good first impression, I shouldn't look so insecure... a- also... why am I so nervous right now?!" the brunet thought to himself.

—Hinata's POV—

I took a step forward and closed the door. Walking towards an empty seat at the end of the class as I was hiding my nervousness, I kept considering this situation...

"What... just happened? Something's... off. It feels like something directed me to that door. But I don't even remember arriving here on the first place..."

—I... have a question for all of you —everyone's attention was dragged towards me, once more—.

—What would that question be? —the blond guy asked—.

—Why... are we here? Is this like an opening ceremony?

—I was about to discuss that with the rest, actually —the blond guy said—. Since we're all here, we should definitely talk about this.

—How do you know there's nobody left? —a girl asked as she moved towards us, she looked a bit eccentric: multi-colored hair, a sailor fuku, a pair of torn-apart stockings and white shoes—.

—It's obvious. There's 16 desks and since he's here we're now 16 students. You don't have to be a genius to figure that one out.

—So... what's there to talk about? —a short boy with a curly toupee asked—. Does anyone know how we got here?

—I want to ask something before we get into that —the blond guy said—. Does anyone of you remember getting here at all?

We all stared at each other, confused. Nobody said a thing.

—Seems like we all had the same luck. Your dumb grimaces speak by themselves.

—You're right, nobody seems to remember anything —the redhead said—, but... what do you mean with dumb grimaces?

—As soon as I entered que campus, I felt dizzy and next thing I know I was in front of that door —he said, ignoring her—.

We all nodded. I noticed a white-haired girl, almost as tall as me. She's one of the few who's stayed silent the entire time.

—It's probably not a coincidence... right? —a purple-haired girl said, dressed up as a nurse—.

—This has to have a hidden purpose...

It has to, and I don't like that one bit...

—Hinata's POV ends here—

—Komaeda's POV—

This is so exciting! The Symbols of Hope are discussing in front of me... b- but, the newcomer has been staring at me for a while now, what's he thinking about?

—But the strangest thing here is not the fact we got dizzy or passed out —a very muscular guy intervened—. Before we figure out why we're here, we should figure out why they're not letting us out...

—What do you mean 'not letting us out'? —the brunette asked—.

—IT CAN'T BE! —a short boy said—.

He quickly tried to open the door, to no avail.

—Why can't I open this?

—B- But... what is happening? —the pink-haired guy said—.

If I couldn't open it with all my strenght, there's no way any of you will —the muscular guy answered, without a care in the world—.

—Komaeda's POV ends here—

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