Chapter 6. More hope...

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We left the airport and returned to the pathway, this time heading towards a different building. A way bigger one, 'Rocketpunch Market' written on a sign above the entrance. I walked to the sliding doors followed by Komaeda. Inside, numerous shelves filled with lots of stuff could be seen. It was... a supermarket indeed, the sign wasn't lying... at least we can say we're provisioned.

—Seems like we won't have to worry about having food for now —Komaeda said, smiling—.

—For now?

—I- It's just an expression...

—There's no guarantee everything's edible. What if they plan on poisoning us?

—Hmm... sounds like you're the kind of guy who wouldn't turn his back on his own shadow, are you not?

—You'd be absolutely right, even this supermarket is weird... just look around you! It's a massive supermarket and there's no one else on the island to use it apart from us!

—It's not weird... Usami said the island was uninhabited after all...

—That's the point! W- Wait... huh?

—What's wrong, Hinata-kun?

—Nevermind, I just... have this feeling someone's spying on us, y- you know? Could it be...?

—A- Aahh! Uhmmm... I- I- y- you know... —a purple-haired girl was... trying to say something, I guess? Her haircut was remarkably uneven and she was dressed as a nurse—. I- I'm sorry!

Why is she crying now?!

—Why would you make her cry like that, Hinata...

—B- But I didn't even do anything!

—A- Ah, so y- you're... Hinata... I want to remember your name, if it's okay with you. P- Please?

—Y- Yeah, you're fine... I'm okay with you remembering my name, but-

—My name is Mikan Tsumiki. I- Ehm... f- from the bottom of my heart I... really want us to get along! Uhm... y- you know... I... Uhm... my mind's completely blank from all these strong emotions... I... I even tried coming up with 5000 conversation topics to discuss after introducing myself b- but...!

Sounds like overkill to me...

—It's perfectly fine if you take your time before you speak, Tsumiki. We can wait patiently until you're ready to say what was on your mind. We can even wait forever if you need us to —Komaeda said—.

—I- I... Ahhhhh!!

Isn't she like... putting even more pressure on her?

—Welp, seems like I'm getting nowhere if I ask her, so I'll ask you instead. Who is she?

—Ah, Tsumiki-chan is the Ultimate Nurse... if you ever get hurt, she's the one you want close to you... you better get along with her, or else... well, if you ever get hurt and you don't treat the wound accordingly you could get an infection and die, just because you were mean to her!

—Why would you say something like that like it's nothing...

—Hahaha... ha...! Ahh! I- I'm sorry for laughing without asking beforehand, I- I'm just so happy right now...! It's been so long since I've made a new friend! W- Wait... I don't know if you're okay with being my friends, I just... aaahh!! Why did I say something so presumptuous?! I'm soooo sorry!!! I'll do anything you ask, but... p- please don't hate me...!

—Aaaand you made her cry again! Just how mean can you get, Hinata-kun... —Komaeda said, hugging Tsumiki—.

Why is this happening to me...?

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