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story description

Beau Paeng finds himself to be a part of the unlucky twenty that will try to win over the Head Alpha's son, Maximus Villin. Having joined the competition as a way to help his family - he didn't truly expect to be chosen. He tells others he's thankful, but the last thing he wants to do is win over someone's affections he has no feelings for - not to mention his "differentiation" is considered the most useless one.

Being a Beta among ten males and ten female - and being one of only two - he uses the televised competition as a chance to put himself out there. To help his family and friends at a time they need it most. Within all of this he maintains his character and what makes him - him, not changing for anyone.

He was certain his "ordinary" personality would push Maximus away, but he soon comes to learn it's having the opposite effect. Though despite him supposed to win him over - he finds himself attracted to someone else within the competition itself.

Not knowing that only would make Maximus become Unhinged. Absolutely nothing could and would calm his secret, myth-like Unhinged state...except Beau.

|_ forty-eight hours ago

"Do you really think they'll choose someone like you?"

I look at Erik in amusement, shrugging as we both wiped down the counters for the tenth time today. Working in a restaurant was fun at times, but unless you're not making the food or being a waiter - it was boring.

Cleaning is all I can do though because of three things.

I can't cook - at all, I am too awkward to be a waiter, and I've been told since I'm a Beta - like it matters - that I bore people too easily. In my opinion, I believe that is completely false.

I'm the most entertaining person I know.

"Who knows. I joined that silly competition for my family because of it's benefits in being chosen - not for the chances to be with Maximus. Trust me - that wasn't crossing my mind when I signed up." I promise Erik, and he rolls his eyes at me.

"I find it ridiculous that you signed up as a joke. Doesn't that - I don't know, lessen the chances for you even more?" Erik asks me as if I knew the answer to that.

"I don't know. If that is so, then that's even better. At the same time if I am chosen my family reaps the benefits."

"Yeah, and say you get there? Then what? You'll have a task - and that's trying to win over the Head Alpha's son to become his Mate. You can't just go there and not expect there to be tasks." Erik seemed to be getting upset with me.

I wasn't really worried if I'm being honest. The probability of me being chosen was much too slim. I'm not sure how it all works, but I'm assuming the process involves reading all the papers we had to send in. They even had us take pictures to send in - our differentiation written in bold letters on the corners of our pictures. So I take it that we'll be judged by two things: looks and differentiation.

If my assumption is right - I won't be chosen.

"Let me remind you, I signed up for this silly competition as a joke. Also I couldn't refuse-."

"Yes, again with the benefits." Erik interrupts with evident annoyance in his voice. He even shoved a broom at my chest - snatching my towel from me. "It'll be evident that you aren't there to win him over. They'll see you're not there for the right reasons-!"

"Which is why I can't be caught. If I am to be accepted I'd perfect my acting skills and do the tasks provided as I would in the real world." I state pretty calmly.

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