Chapter One

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Oh my god! Holy shit! I can't believe I just did that. I just came out as gay to my parents! I just came out as gay to my religious, latinx parents! Both my parents stare back at me in silence. My sister, Pilar, is the first to speak.

"Wait.. Benji is B?" She asks. "You kissed Benji?"

I nod slowly.

"Are you serious," My mom asks. "You're actually gay?"

I nod again, "Yeah."

Pilar slowly stands up and walks over to me. She gives me a hug. "Just to be clear, I'm still pissed at you for cheating on Mia. But I'm glad you told us." She sits down again.

"Mijo, what about Mia?" Mom asks me.

Mia. The girl who I had been dating until probably couple minutes ago when she saw me making out with Benji at the dance. I had been planning to tell her, but things are complicated with her family life and it was never a good time. I'm sad she had to find out that way.

"I do really like Mia." I explain, "But in a completely platonic way."

"And Benji is your coworker that you brought to your birthday party?" She asks.

I nod, looking down, "I... um... I like Benji."

"Isn't he already dating someone?"

"They broke up."

Mom nods and breaths, "Okay... okay."

My heart is pounding hard. Dad hasn't said anything yet. He's just been staring at me. Finally, he mutters something inaudible and storms out. I watch him walk to his room. I gulp.

Mom comes up and hugs me. "Don't worry. He'll come around."

I put on a smile and nod, "I'm kind of tired, so I'm going to go to bed."

"Okay, sweet dreams."

"Goodnight," I say and walk to my room. Once I'm inside, I burst into tears. That actually happened. I'm not sure what I was expecting, but I guess that was the best I could hope for. However, I though my dad would be able to say something to me and not storm out of the room. I'm glad my Pilar and my mom took it better.

Once I compose myself, I get ready for bed. I know I'm going to have to deal with a lot in the morning, but I'll work it all out tomorrow. I lie down in my bed, and try to go to sleep.

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