Chapter Thirteen

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I wake up the next morning in my bed. I remember what happened last night, and I smile. I grab my walkie talkie and say, "Hey, Felix. Are you there, over?" 

"Yeah, I'm up," Felix says. 

"Can we meet outside a for a minute?" 

"Yeah, I'll be right down." 

I change my clothes and walk downstairs. When I get outside, Felix is already there. 

"Hey, dude," Felix says. "What's going on?" 

I smile, "Something happened last night, and I need to tell someone about it." 

"What happened?" 

"So, Benji and I went on a date. Afterwards we went to his house, and we had sex." 

"Holy shit," Felix says. "How was it?" 

"It was pretty great," I reply. "I don't want to get into all the details, but it was a little uncomfortable for a while, but then it was really good." 

"Wow, congratulations," Felix says. 

I smile, "Anyway, I'm going to spend the day with my dad." 

"Really?" Felixs asks. "How do you feel about that?" 

I shrug, "I don't know. I mean, my dad and I are far from being cool, but I want to give him a chance. I just feel like today is going to be super awkward." 

"Well, if you need someone to talk to, I'm always free." 

"Thanks, dude," I say. 

I check the time, it's 9:20. "I don't know when my dad's going to get here, but I think I should go back up and get ready." 

"Okay," Felix says. We walk upstairs, and I go back into my apartment to get ready. When I come out of my room again, Pilar and Adrian are already eating breakfast. I sit down next to them and start eating my breakfast. 

"When is Dad coming," Adrian asks. 

"He'll be here in a couple minutes," Mom replies. 

I stare ahead, and take a few deep breathes in. 

Mom grabs my hand, "Mijo, you don't have to do this if you don't want to." 

I shake my head, "No, I want to do this." 

Mom nods, "Okay." 

There's a knock on the door. "That must be him," Mom says and stands up to answer it. 

I finish my food and put my plate in the sink. I walk over to the door and greet my dad. 

"Hey," he says. 

"Hey," I reply. 

"Are you ready?" 

"Yup," I nod. 

Adrian and Pilar soon stand next to me. 

"So, are you guys ready to go?" Dad asks. 

"As ready as we'll ever be," Pilar says. 

"Okay, let's go." 

"Bye, Mom," Adrian says. 

"Bye, have fun," Mom replies. 

My dad ended up taking us to the zoo. He said it was a nice family friendly place to go to on the weekend. 

"Right, because we're such a happy family," Pilar mutters. 

"Hey," I whisper to her. "At least he's trying."

"Why aren't you more upset?" She asks. 

"I'm upset," I admit. "But I'm trying to give him a chance." 

Pilar rolls her eyes, "Fine. I guess I'll try to give him a chance." 

We spend the whole day at the zoo. I tried to have fun. I made casual conversation with my dad. It ended in an awkward silence, but it was something. At the end of the day, we go to the gift shop. 

"Do you want anything, Victor," Dad asks. "My treat." 

I sigh, "You know you can't buy my affection back." 

"I know, I'm trying to be a good dad." 

I nod, "I know you are, but it's going to take more than one fun day to make up for everything." 

"Tell me what I can do to make it up to you?" 

I take a deep breath in, "You need to be supportive." 

"Okay," He says. "I want to be supportive. Tell me something." 

"Well, I have a boyfriend now. His name is Benji." 

My dad looks taken abact. He probably wasn't expecting me to say that. Still he awkwardly smiles and says, "That's great. I hope he's good to you." 

I nod, "He is." 


Well, I survived a whole day with my dad. It was acutally better than I anticipated. When I get back to school on Monday, I'm suprised to see Mia standing by my locker. 

"Hi, Mia," I say. 

"Hi," She smiles. "I know we haven't been talking much lately, but I need your help." 

"Okay, what do you need?" 

Mia looks around and whispers, "Lake told me she had a crush on me." 

I'd be lying if I said I was surprised. I nod, "Okay." 

"Did you know?" 

I nod, "She asked me nod to tell anyone." 

Mia nods, "Yeah, I think I'm kind of freaking out." 


"Um, because Lake and Felix aren't the only ones who've been questioning their sexuality." 

"Are you..." 

"I don't know," Mia says. "I'm definately attracted to boys, but I might like girls. Also, I don't really want to label myself. " 

I nod, "Okay, that's great. It's okay not to want labels. Do you think you like Lake?" 

Mia looks around, "I don't know, maybe, but I'm with Andrew. Except, I don't know, this whole thing with Andrew felt a little rushed. I mean we've been friends since elementary, and before you came here we had sex. I used to say it was a mistake, but on the inside I kind of liked it. Maybe the best thing about that was that it was just one night. Maybe we're not good as an official couple." 

I sigh, "I can't tell you who to date. Except, I think if you're gut says there's something wrong with your relationship with Andrew, you should listen to it. Usually your gut instict is right." 

Mia smiles, "Thanks. Um, can you nod tell anyone about this?" 

I nod, "My lips are sealed." 

About a day and a half later, I found out from Felix that Mia and Andrew broke up. 

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