Jacob Black💙

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He disappears for a while then pops back up

I walk into my room after a long day of school and see Jacob sitting on my bed

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I walk into my room after a long day of school and see Jacob sitting on my bed.

"Hey." He says standing up

"Hey?.. you have ignored me for two months and you say hey?.. Lucy you got some splanin' to do." I say folding my arms after dropping my bag on the floor.

"I know, I'm an idiot. But I can't tell you why I've been gone." He says walking towards me

"Oh of course. Nooo I'm supposed to just watch you bat your eyes and forgive you." I say sarcastically walking past him to my closet, grabbing a sweatshirt And PJ shorts.

"I'm not saying that." Jacobs eyes follow me.

"I get that you're in love with Bella and jealous of her lil vampire boyfriend, but why does that mean you have to stop talking to me? I thought we were best friends."

"I'm not in love with Bella and you are my best friend."

"Yeah right, and I got a 31 on my ACT... I'm not stupid Jacob. It's obvious... Did you cut your hair?... And get Tanner?... And buff..er?" I question taking a better look at him than I was before.

"Do you remember when I took you to the council meeting? And we talked about all those... Legends?" Jacob questions walking towards me.

"Yeah but what does that have to do with-"

"I need you to think back and remember the stories, remember everything. It would make everything easier, all I ever want to do is protect you, it's what I live for. That's why I stayed away. Please just try to remember..." He pleas pulling me into his warm chest and holding me close and tight with his strong arms. "Please." He says before jumping out of my window.

"Jacob." I say worried as I run over to my window seel and see him land safely on the ground.

Our conversation kept me up thinking about what could possibly keep him away till it hit me.

"The story about the wolves..." I whisper out loud to myself. "No that's not... He can't... Well... I mean... Did he?.. on me?.. so Little J's a werewolf?... Well I mean Big J... Daddy J hahaha that boy is fiiiine... Why am I talking to myself."

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