My time

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🌺 "This is Jungkook, Jungkook this is my girlfriend amara." Jimin introduced the two, besides the fact that it wasn't in person amara tried her best to be more happier. Even though she'd rather meet him face to face, Jimin was smiling wildly as she met his child hood friend.

The male she sees on screen looked to be a little darker than her Jiminie, while her boyfriend had a soft face and actual quite cute clothes on today, his friend Jungkook wore all black with a darker aura around him.

"Hey." He says into the phone screen, honestly barely paying attention but even though he looked to be uninterested, amara kept a smile on her face as Jimin was excited.

"Sorry bout him, he's a little moody today. But I promise he's a cute little bean." He says in English, amara nods not really knowing what to say without being to cutesy and coupley around others, she's afraid they'd be too cringe.

But when Jimin perks his lips a little and squints his eyes, all hope was thrown out the window and out of habit Amara was quick to react with a coo.

"Jiminie, you're so cute." Amara basically squeals in Korean. At this his friend groans while giving a cringed out look, at this her boyfriend smiles widely

 At this his friend groans while giving a cringed out look, at this her boyfriend smiles widely

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"I'm coming home in two days, baby."

Amara say there in confusion, Jimin said the words too fast in Korean and she couldn't understand. Jimin raises and eyebrow in amusement, but he wanted her to practice.

"Um, what?"

"Come on babe, you can do it." He pushes.

"All I heard was baby, coming and I'm."

There was a laugh beside Jimin which doesn't take her long to understand.

"You're cumming?!" She fake gasps, "without me?"

Jimin was quick to shake his hands in realization as he shakes his head, "no! No I'm coming home in two days."


"Okay are you set up in there?" Ray asks, hands on the knobs.

"Yeah, hey are you sure this song is the right one for me?" She wonders, headphones already on her ears.

"Yes, amara now sing with that amazing voice of yours."

"One, two, three." .....the beat starts, it's one that she can sway to a little letting a deep breath as she cuddles into her sweater to maker herself comfortable.

"Love, love, love, love
'Long as we got
Love, love, love
'Long as we got." She gives herself a second to breathe in again, hand on her chest.

"Done with these niggas, I don't love these niggas, I dust off these niggas. Do it for fun, don't take it personal."

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