Chapter 1-Daily Life-4-Fear of Control

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I open my eyes to see pure darkness. I can't move much or even speak. I heard a voice cutting in and out. "—Ba—d—-B—-d—B—ad—Rei——so—n—th-in—Ba—d—hap—." I woke up with a jolt and my head throbbing. I wait a minute then I see Katsuki and Omkara. Katsuki was asleep but Omkara was awake. I look around and noticed that I seem to be in the hospital. Omkara noticed that I was awake and asked "How are you feeling you've been out for 2 days" 2 day!? What happened. "I think so... why was I out?" Omkara seemed to hesitate before saying "Evangeline and Dabria found you in your cabin. They thought you were dead and ran to find Katsuki who quickly followed them and realized that you were still alive when you started twitching and whimpering. I helped him get you here. Rhun was trying to find out exactly what happened until he found another victim also left alive but unconscious. It was Annika she was strangled by something thin we think it was a cord but we're not sure. A bat was stolen from her which is what we think your attacker used to knock you out. Rhun has been calling meetings as soon as morning is announced by that damned bear integrating everyone." A horrifying thought entered my mind. What about the poisons! "How is Annika?" "She's fine just a little shaken up." "What about everyone else?" "A lot of people were ready to blame me for this but Zalmunna was with me for that whole morning in his room so it was quickly shot down but everyone is scared and worried. Ivy has locked herself in her cabin. Evangeline and Dabria are also locking themselves in Evangeline's cabin. They come out once a day for the meeting and to check if you and Annika are doing okay. Nobody has seen Enzo and Canto is freaking out about how his 'idol' was attacked. Everyone else is just a lot more cautious." "I see." At least most people are fine. I should at least try to check on everyone after I get better. After a few hours Katsuki woke up and checked me over. Omkara left to go tell everyone that I woke up. Katsuki looked at me dead serious and said "I had checked your room for the poisons hidden in there but, sadly it seems your assailant took them." My fear has come true "What do we do?" "There's not much we can do. We just need to hope Rhun is able to find your assailant." I nodded. This my fault I should have locked the door immediately. "I know what you're thinking and it's not your fault. From what I heard you weren't your best that day. We noticed the medication for migraines you had been holding before you were attacked. Taking a pill takes very little time. By that logic someone had to have known of the poisons in your room and been waiting for you to let your guard down." So that was why I felt like I was being watched that day.
Rhun decided to hold a meeting to catch me up on everything that's happened over the last 2 days. It turns out not much happened while I was out but everyone was concerned about me. Ivy came up to me and asked "Are you really ok?" "Umm.. I think so I'm not really in any pain." I wonder if it's good or bad luck that I survived then again it doesn't seem like my attacker's intentions were to kill me. Ivy seem satisfied and asked me another question "Did you have anything stolen because Annika had her bat stolen?" I can't tell her about the poisons at least not here. "I haven't been back to my cabin and I kinda want to stay away for now." Ivy seemed suspicious but went with it. "I can stay with you if you want." I nodded. Me and Ivy went to hang out in her cabin. I noticed that she made sure that she locked the door. She looked at me with a serious expression. "What was stolen?" She knew I was lying. "Me and Katsuki on the second day of us being here cleaned out the hospital of poisons. We each took half and hid them in our cabins. Katsuki found that mine were stolen." Ivy look scared. "Shit" she whisper under her breath. "Please don't tell anyone about this. Everyone is already tense this will only make tensions get higher and once tensions get high people start getting desperate to leave meaning willing to kill." Ivy nodded and said "I understand but what do we do about the fact that there is someone here with access to poisons." "Don't take food or drinks from anyone and if you order something from the cafe don't take your eye off of it for a second. Some of the poisons take a while to take effect so it might not be immediate." I did my best to give her advice. Ivy nodded and asked "What about everyone else?" "I honestly don't know. I was going to talk about it with Katsuki later. Is there anything else you want to know?" "Why talk to me about this?" "If you haven't noticed I'm a horrible liar." Ivy raised an eyebrow "Yet you didn't tell anyone else about this?" "No one asked." Me and Ivy hung out for a bit before I decided to find Canto. I found Canto that he was in his cabin. I knock on his door. "GO AWAY I KNOW YOU'RE LYING ABOUT REI BEING OK!" I was a little surprised by that. "Umm but I'm fine?" The door flew open as I jumped back narrowly missing getting hit by the door. Canto's hair was disheveled and looked like he had been crying. Canto looked shocked. He ran up and hugged me. This is uncomfortable. "Umm Canto can you please let me go?." Canto quickly let me go. "Thanks" Me and Canto hung out in his room for a while. "Oh I have the book that I based off you somewhere." He went to a bookshelf and started scanning the titles. He eventually found the book that he was looking for and gave it to me. "I hope you enjoy it." "I'm sure I will." I soon left his room to search for Enzo and Anaki. I first checked Anaki's cabin. I knocked on the door and heard what sounded like someone struggling to breath. I then noticed that the door was unlocked.

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