Chapter 1-Deadly Life-3 Fear of control

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Enzo didn't seem too hurt, he actually look mostly fine. The only evidence of him being hurt was the pink blood coming from his head. He seemed to be breathing completely fine. I decided to look around the kitchen more to investigate what happened. I opened the refrigerator door to the see shelves of fruits, vegetables and condiments. I can see that there's a couple of crates in the back. I didn't find anything of significance on the shelves and was starting to get cold. I was tempted to just leave but something told me to look over this place throughly before leaving even if it was really cold and all the different smells were starting to overwhelm me. All my senses are on a constant overdrive that I physically can't block out but smell has always been one of the worst ones. I cover nose with my hand trying to block out as much as I can. I made it to the crates and noticed a crack in the wall behind one of the crates. I tried moving it to get a better look at it because it looked way to straight to be natural but it was really heavy. What's in this?! I decided to see if Omkara can come and help me. I opened the door and immediately felt somewhat better. I tried not to show any signs that I was in any distress. I tend to able to hide it well. My nose was still being annoying but I dealt with it and went over to Omkara who was standing next to a dazed sitting down Enzo. Everyone was still around Enzo and didn't even seem to noticed I left. I tapped Omkara's shoulder to get his attention. I don't think talking too much would be a good idea. He turned to me and asked "Do you need something Rei?" I nodded. Yes please. I forced out a quiet "Follow me." He looked a bit confused but said "Alright." I could feel all of their eyes on me. Please stop. I opened the refrigerator door again and went inside immediately covering my nose to avoid a complete shutdown or meltdown whatever my brain decided is pull. Omkara asked "Are you okay?" I shook my head but kept going to the crate I found. He followed me there. I tried to pull the crate so that he would hopefully get what I need. He seemed to understand "Oh you need help moving this out of the way?" I nodded. Oh thank god you got it.Together we got the crate away and saw that it was actually a small door. That's a weird thing to have in a refrigerator. I gestured that I was going to go in and see what was in there. He said "Okay just scream if you're in trouble." I nodded and crawled in. It actually felt nice to be in such a small quiet space I continued. I like how dark it is too. I shook the thoughts out of my and continued knowing we only have a limited amount of time. I soon after came to an open area and found blood on the ground.
I decided to get Omkara to take a look at this so there's someone else who saw this and knows. I made to the outside to see Omkara still there. "I think I found something." My voice came out a little more monotone than usual but it was back to working. He nodded and followed me. We made to the area. He saw the blood and immediately asked "A possible crime scene." I nodded and noticed that the tunnel went on past this. We both decided to go together this time just in case something happened. I noticed that at the end of the tunnel there was the same kind of door we had gotten in through. Omkara said "Let me through first we don't know what's in there." I said "Okay" and moved aside. He pushed the door open. He pushed it open and asked to no one "The storage room?" He crawled out. I crawled out after him as we stood we noticed that we were indeed in the storage room that Enzo was found in. Omkara looked at me and said "This was a good find Rei. Good job." It made me happy that someone thought I was useful. We looked around the place a bit more and I decided to try looking through the trash. As I was looking through it I felt a hand on my shoulder that, immediately made me no longer feel ok. Oh god why? I turned to see who it is and found Alatea. What does she want? "Can I help you?" I asked confused. Alatea looked at me seriously and asked "How did you know that we would find Enzo in that room and why were you pacing like you were nervous?" "I felt something bad from that room and I would prefer not to answer that second question." "So you were going on a whim?!" "Not really." "Then what was it?" "A feeling that something bad was behind the door." "I don't understand what you mean by that." "You don't need to understand anything about me. I just want to be treated as a person." "Fine, I may have been going too hard on you sense we got here. By the way what are you doing?" "You would be surprise how often clues are found in the trash." As I said that I found something. It was what looked to be a popped and empty blood bag. It still had tiny drops of the pink liquid so there was no doubt that was exactly what it was. I showed Alatea who was still next to me. She looked confused until she noticed the blood. I smirked and said "Knew it." Just as that happened the speakers crackled to life as Monokuma's voice came on saying ~"It is now time to began the class trial please meet in front of the statue of yours truly in the middle of your cabins see you then"~

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