Chapter 1- Deadly Life-2 Fear of Control

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I got to my cabin and stared at my door for a minute remembering what happened there but quickly calmed my self and reached to open the door. I saw that my cabin was a complete mess. Guess I'll have to clean this up later. Someone's dead I shouldn't be worried about that now! I ignored my thoughts in favor of looking for an clues. I noticed that there seemed to be hand print on the T.V from when they were searching. I looked under my bed and saw the bat that was used to hit me. It was made out of metal I pulled it out and noticed that it had a smudge in the shape of a hand on it. Maybe Rhun can get a print from this! I making sure not to mess up the prints, take a picture of the bat with my E-handbook and put to the side to bring to Rhun later. I look around a little more but don't anything else of importance. I decided to check with the killers first victim, Annika Felda. Maybe she remembers something from that day.I pick up the bat to bring to Rhun while I'm at it. I found Rhun as it seemed he finished up his investigation. "I found the bat that was used to knock me out. It looks like it has a print there also was one one the T.V." "I'll take it back to my cabin. I probably won't be able to find an exact match but I could at least identify what type it is." I let Rhun go do his thing and continued my search for Annika. I decided to check the place that everyone congregates most, the cafe, first. Once I got there and opened the door I saw that Enzo was still no where to be found. I found Annika and asked about how the day she got attacked went. "I was behind my cabin for most of that day, practicing my batting. I spent about 3-4 hours maybe out there before I went inside to take a shower before I went to cafeteria to get water and a snack. I remember laying down for a bit because I really over did it and was really tired and then something extremely thin was wrapped around my neck choking me. I tried pulling at it but it kept getting tighter. Now that I think out it, it felt like string it was thicker then normal string though but it definitely wasn't a rope. Then it all went black and I woke up later that day in the hospital." I made a note of the her testimony. Just as I finished the note in my e-handbook we all heard a loud crash. I let out a rather embarrassing squeak of surprise but I don't think anyone noticed over their own sounds of surprise. "The Hell Was That?!" I heard Omkara yell out. We eventually figured out that it came from somewhere behind the counter. Sumare went over the counter and into what I assume was the kitchen despite a door to the same area being near. Now that I think out it why didn't they just use a knife from there. I tried to open the door to find that it was locked and followed Sumare's example but much less graceful. A few people followed after me others wait in the cafe. The ones that followed were Omkara, Alatea, Canto, Bette and Annika. I'm guessing the one that stay were either scared that we'd find another body or to keep an eye out for Monokuma. There wasn't anyone in the main part of the kitchen but I did notice a garage shoot were I'm guess all the trash from here goes. There was a large refrigerator to the left corner of the room and a door on the left wall. We quickly realized that it the crash had to come from one of those areas. Sumare asked "Where should we check first?" Alatea in response asked "Why don't we just split up?" I was going to tell Alatea exactly why that would be a bad idea but Bette beat me to it. "Have you never seen a horror movie? When you split up with a killer after you everyone dies!" Omkara backed her up by saying "We shouldn't underestimate this person. They previously took out someone who already knew they were being watch (he said as he pointed at me) and one of the physically strongest people here and easy access to a weapon (he pointed to Annika). This person has experience and isn't afraid of going after people who would have a possible advantage." I could tell that Canto was getting more nervous as Omkara spoke. I had started pacing without realizing it when I did I quickly stopped. Alatea raised an eyebrow but didn't say anything. I started getting a bad feeling from the storage room. Bingo. "How about we start with the storage room?" Everyone agreed with little complaint. Omkara was the one who went in first to check it out. He walked and stayed there for a minute before telling to stay where we were. I immediately started to worry about there possibility being a second victim. He came out about 2 minutes later carrying Enzo.

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