Chapter 1- Deadly Life-1 Fear of control

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I open the door to see he was terrified as he held his chest. I saw that he was bleeding from his mouth as he finally went completely still. I quickly ran to get anybody I can I saw Rhun and Omkara nearby. I ran to and in a panic say "You two Anaki's dead!" The two's eyes widened as Rhun asked me "Where?!" I quickly take them to Anaki's body. Anaki's face seemed slightly blue and was completely still. Then an announcement came on with the same overstimulating static. "A Body Has Been Discovered!" Said a voice that had no right to sound so cheery. All of our e-handbooks went off it was 2 notification one on the map and one saying we can now access the Monokuma file.

The Monokuma file show his time which was 3:26 pm less than a minute after I got here

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The Monokuma file show his time which was 3:26 pm less than a minute after I got here. Maybe if I came sooner he would be alive. If I had lock the door 2 days ago he wouldn't have been poisoned. This is my fault! Even the poisons still existing is my fault! If I hadn't asked what Katsuki was doing he might have been able to throw them out without anyone even knowing they existed! I was brought out of my spiraling thoughts and hyperventilating by Ivy. Ivy dragged me out of the cabin and started helping get my breathing back to normal as she was also taking me away from my thoughts. "Even if by some twisted logic this is your fault then you need to at least try to find the blacked with everyone else in order to save them. If this is your mistake than take responsibility and keep as many people as possible from getting hurt by it." I finally calm down and say "Yeah your right if I made the mess then I need to clean it up." I took some deep breaths and walk back in. I take a closer look at the Monokuma files

Victim:Ultimate Voice Actor- Anaki Durmad
Cause of death:?????
Time of Death:3:26
Notable Details
Victim has a large cut on his tongue to the point where it almost cut off completely.
I saw Rhun already examining the body. After Rhun was satisfied with checking over the body, he quickly rushed everyone out. When I was about walk out with everyone else I felt a hand grab the hood of my hoodie and said "No you don't your going to be my assistant for this." Not even a request?! "Are you sure you want me?" "I want to know more about these feelings you get." "Well I can't control any of it and don't know much myself but ask away." "How long have you had this?" "As long I can remember. Mom says it runs in the family but she doesn't have it anywhere near mine. It tends to be stronger as a kid but here I am only getting closer to the spirits by the year." "Spirits?" "Yeah I can usually see them too but I think something is blocking my connection currently. This place is literally surrounded by an electric fence this should be a beacon to them so either there's something here that is keeping them away or who kidnapped everyone is somehow blocking me out. Either one I don't like. Anyway now is not the time for this we need find who killed Anaki." Rhun looked a little embarrassed and said "Yeah right." Rhun asked "You were the first one one the scene right?(I nodded) Can you describe what happened?" "I decided to come and check on him because he was one of the last people I talk to before I got K.O.ed and I realized I didn't see him at the meeting. I knocked on the door and heard him struggling to breathe or something like that. I noticed that the door was unlocked so I opened it hoping to be able to help but it was too late." Tears were starting to form in my eyes but I need to continue. I quickly pulled myself together. You can cry later. "I saw him clutching where his heart was and he looked so scared. He stopped moving not even a minute after I got there. Then I ran to get you and Omkara and you saw the rest for yourself." Rhun looked at me and said "No I didn't. What were you and Ivy talking about?" I look down and said "She was calming me down from my panic attack." "I see, seeing witnessing the death of someone you had spoken to so recently would be distressing." Me and Rhun searched the room as Rhun was picking up Anaki's broken glasses he said "There was a similar string of murder that was going on in the outside world. They would use an item they stole from the previous victim to kill the next however you haven't reported anything missing so please if there is anything you had that could do this please say so now. I won't judge." "There was stash of poisons hidden in my room that Katsuki told was now missing." Rhun's eye widened "Why did you have poison and why did Katsuki know about it?" "Katsuki has one too and we had them because on the second day of us being here Katsuki found them said he was planning on throwing them out however Monokuma sadly overheard us and made that rule about not destroying any school property. So we each took half. Katsuki found that mine were stolen." "I see. Did anyone else know?" "Not that I know of." Rhun took a closer look at the body "You know your cabin better than anyone so look through your cabin and see if the killer left anything. Come back when you're done and tell me if you find anything." I nodded left the cabin to let Rhun continue his work.

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