Chapter 1-Daily life-2-Fear of Control

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As I got up for the day I realized that it really wasn't a dream. Damn it .I should look over the rest of the e-handbook. I try to click on the Monokuma Files but it doesn't work. Maybe we'll have access to it later? I then decide to tap profiles. I see my image and a bunch of other information about me including my name, talent, blood type, height and weight, as I continue scrolling through I see that every one has a profile with the same info. After I look through all the profiles I tap map and see little 8-bit versions of everyone. I guess that the 8-bits show where everyone is. I see that Ivy's already at the cafe. I should go meet up with her. As I walk to the cafe I wonder how we are going to get out of here. Maybe the power will go out and the fence will stop working? Before I knew it I was outside the cafe. When I open the door I see only one person sitting alone at a table. Ivy. She looks nervous definitely a difference from when I met her. When I get to the table and sit down she jumps a bit. "Are you ok?" I ask almost fearing the answer. " don't know?" She said as she buries her face in her hands. She looks up "It's just that I've done somethings I want to apologize for but now I might not be able to." I see she feels guilty. I decide to try to say something "but that why you have to live to get to see those people and apologize for whatever you did." Her eyes widened. "When did you think of that?" "" I say confused. She giggles. Did I say something funny? Now I'm even more confused. "Oh I'm sorry it's just that you somehow knew exactly what to say." I did? I thought that it would have blown up in my face? " did you become the Ultimate Paranormal Investigator?" Here comes the judgement."My whole family is the same way as me. clairvoyant. It started when I younger and my mother noticed that I wasn't afraid of the ghosts that were in the house. I eventually began to tell her things that I had no way of knowing. Then I started being able to tell when bad things are going to happen. Then other people noticed. There were those that believe and were either scared or way too......enthusiastic and there were those that didn't and made sure I knew it." Ivy looked at me with I think pity in her eyes? "Were you bullied?" Going for the tough questions huh? "Well it's not like it was anything new for me. I was already picked on for other reasons. I don't hold anything against them." "What were you bullied for if your comfortable telling me?" "Maybe not now but I'll definitely tell you another time." I say with a smile on my face. "Was it that bad?" Ivy said concerned "Not really it's just that when I tell ......people they don't really.....understand even when I try to....explain." I say as I look down at the table as I struggle to find the words I need. I look back up at her "Ah I came here to try and cheer you up and look here we are talking about how I got bullied?" I say sadly. This was supposed to be about her but here I am only talking about myself. "No it's fine, it actually helped me feel better." So I was actually able to help! That makes me happy! "Anyway since you asked me, I'll ask you how did you become the Ultimate Ice Skater?" She looks surprised "huh spinning the question on me? Well it probably started when my mother forced me into lessons with one of the worst teachers to ever live. He expected me to be at the level of a professional within 3 weeks, I was 13 at the time. He always said that I would never be good enough so by the time I was 14 I entered a competition behind his back. There were people who were twice my age there. I managed to win and from there I won contest after contest that no one else my age could even qualify for. Next thing you know I got scouted by Hope's Peak." You've been through a lot huh "Where is your teacher now?" She jumps a bit at the question. "I honestly don't know probably somewhere hiding his face in shame. I haven't seen him since." She said as she crossed her arms and leaned back in her chair as she continued "I just glad it's over." I decided to ask another question "Did your parents know?" She sighed as she spoke her next words "Yes and they encouraged it my mom even says it's because of him that I am as good as I am now." I sit there in wide eyed shock as I take in what I just heard "How could a parent ignore her child's pain?" "That I will never know." She seems a little uneasy. I made her uncomfortable didn't I? "I'm sorry for bringing it up" "It's ok I asked you worst questions and you didn't mean to hurt."
~~I feel like I've grown closer to Ivy~
"Anyway it's about time everyone else has gotten up you shouldn't just talk to me all day" "okay bye then" I say as Ivy leaves the cafe. Well if I'm already here I might as well get something to eat. I think as walk to the counter and see a display that showed different options. I decide on the pancakes. Can't go wrong with pancakes right? After I chose orange juice as my drink. The display showed the words 'take a seat and wait for your order please'. I go and take a seat at the table me and Ivy were at moments before.
~time skip~
After waiting about 10 minutes a Monokuma dressed as a waitress runs out of nowhere with my order and drops it in front of me then run back like it's sooooo busy. WHAT THE ACTUAL HELL JUST HAPPENED? I think as I look to where the Monokuma ran off to. I decide not to think about it and just eat my food. As I eat I see someone come through the doors of the cafe. It's Annika I guess she decided to get breakfast too. I wave at her trying to get her attention. She see me waves and walks over to put in her order at the display. After she comes over to my table and sits down. "So how's life?" She asks as she sits down "... I'm here?" I reply not really having an answer. "Fair enough....I see you got breakfast too." she said looking at the empty plate and glass in front of me. "Yeah the food is pretty good here at least." "It's pretty early I'm surprised that you're awake. I thought that you were the type to sleep all day." She said looking slightly confused. Oh how I wish I was. "Hahaha...... I don't really sleep that well?" She look concerned. "That sounded more like a question than an answer. Are you having trouble because of what the bear said?" It was my turn to be shocked. I haven't really even been thinking about Monokuma. "No I have always had problems sleeping." This does the opposite of what I hoped for. Instead of her not worrying now she looks even more worried. "That not a good thing! Sleep is very important. It's what gives you energy after all. When did your trouble start?" Oh god I already have a mother worried about my health, I don't need another. "It's always been this way. My mom already tried almost everything but it's still there." I say looking down trying to remember anything else. "That's weird?" She says looking confused. I shrug and say "That's just how it is for me." She looked in thought "Have you tried sports?" I look at her in confusion "umm...a bit but I never really liked it?" "Well that's all I got. When I had that problem it's what worked for me." That caught my attention "Really?" She looked at me and nodded "yeah that's how I got into softball!" She said excitedly. At that moment Monokuma came with Annika's food and took my plate and glass and ran off again. "Did what I think happen just happen?" She said slowly. Should I mess with her? Yeah why not. "What are you talking about?" I say doing my best to sound confused. Lol she's so scared. "Wait wha...." she's says starring at me for a moment then continued "Your joking!" Am I that bad at lying? "Awww you found me out." "Didn't know you were a jokester?" She asked. I hadn't really been much of a joker before I got here. "I guess it's because I'm trying to keep myself and others from thinking about our situation too much."
~I feel like I've grown closer to Annika~
Annika waved as she left. During my time of talking with Annika, I'm pretty sure she adopted me. I than remember that Katzuki was worried about the poisons that were found in the hospital. I should probably ask him about what we should do. I looked at the map to see that he was currently near the hospital. I walked over to the hospital and found Katsuki behind the front desk. I went over and asked"Hey Katsuki, what are you planning on doing with the poisons?" Katsuki looked a little surprised to be asked that but answered "I plan on throwing them down the drain." Just as those words left his lips Monokuma appeared from nowhere.I ,in surprised, asked "Where the hell did you come from?!" Monokuma turned to her and said "Watch your fucking language. And I'll have you know that I am everywhere and nowhere at the same time." I didn't know how to respond to being lectured by an evil monochromatic teddy bear so I just shut upped. The reject 'Build-A-Bear' turned to Katsuki and said "And now back to why I've graced you with my wonderful presence. Katsuki I can't believe you of all people would think of wasting such a precious resource. What about your classmates who would have used it for graduation?!" in a mocking tone. Katsuki was about to say something but Monokuma left just as quickly and unexpectedly as he came. We were both confused until we felt our e-handbook vibrate. I took out my handbook and saw a notification on the rules tab. I found that new rule was added.
5. School Property can not be destroyed for any reason. I looked at Katsuki who seemed just
as surprised as me. "So what should we do?" "We could each take half. That way if anyone dies of poison at least someone knows who it was." I saw a tuff of pink hair poking out from around a corner. "Enzo?" Enzo poked his head out from around the corner before quickly running off. I turned to Katsuki but it seemed that he was didn't notice Enzo having been busy taking his share of poison. I didn't think much of Enzo before looking through my share of poison. They were all in bottles kinda like the one you would get from a pharmacy however unlike a pharmacist prescribed drug these ones had a smiling Monokuma on the lids. I took note of the names on each of the labels among them were.
How did the Chucky Cheese reject even get some of theses. Katsuki looked to be waiting for me. I walked over to him carrying my box of very dangerous bottles. Me and him walked to our cabins together.
I put the box down in my cabin before leaving and locking my door. I wonder what I should do now? Maybe hangout with someone? I decided to look at my e-handbook to see whose out. I saw that Rhun was near the Monokuma statue, Eva and Dabria were at the cafe, and Anaki is outside his cabin. I decided to hangout with Anaki. Anaki was right where the e-handbook said that he was. I walked over to him and saw him. " there something you need from me. Of course there is. Do you need my opinion on how we should get out of this little situation we're in." I wasn't even able to get a word in. "Ahh.. actually I just wanted to see if you want to hang out." He looked at me a little surprised. "I see. It has been a while since I have just hung out with someone. I accept your offer." Me and Anaki hung out in his cabin.
~I feel like me and Anaki got closer~
"You know, not many people were interested in talking to me before I started voice acting." "You seem like the type to have a lot of friends." I was a little surprised. He looked at me and said "I wish I did but, not many people wanted to be friends with me. I was too much of a 'freak' for them." "I know the feeling." Behind his wire-framed sunglasses I saw his eyes widen a bit before going back to normal. "I guess now that I think about it, your talent probably got you a lot of unwanted attention." "It did but, there were already issues with me and a lot of my peers because you know how people can be, anything they can't understand is automatically evil. And I seemed to very much be something they couldn't understand." Anaki seemed to frown at that. I'm guessing that's because he feels sorry for me? I always have a hard time identifying an exact emotion. Anaki seemed to want to ask something but stopped himself. Anaki then put on his usual smile an asked "You want to watch some shows I've been in?" I nodded and smiled thankful that he didn't ask anything else about it. I wonder if the cds in my room have anything to do with my talent? Me and Anaki watch the show he picked out, it was about group of four people on a team called 'REKJ'. Anaki said that he played the Ray Raven, who is the leader of the team.
It was time for me to go back to my cabin as it was officially nighttime and I didn't feel comfortable staying out at night in this situation. As I walk into the cabin I feel like I'm being watched for a second and quickly close and lock my door. I decided to get my mind off of what I just felt and check out the cds. I was a little surprised to see that they were my show. I watched the cds for a bit before deciding to try and get some sleep.

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