Chapter 1 daily life 1-Fear of control

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I was the last person to make to the statue of the weird bear. As I got there we all heard the same annoying voice laugh "pupupu." And that was true the beginning of the worst time my life. A black and white bear with a weird red eye and a normal black eye jumped onto the top of the statue in a weird superhero pose. What the actual hell?! Then the teddy bear spoke "pupupu Looks like another killing game is in order" "What the fuck is this?!" said a familiar voice. Omkara is even scared!? The rest had been shocked into silence. "My name is Monokuma the headmaster of Hope's Peak!" He said with a sinister smile on his face. Alatea was the next speak up "No your wrong the headmaster of Hope's Peak is Makoto Neagi! I researched all of the places I go long in advance including Hope's Peak!" The bear whose name I just learned is Monokuma next words were something I could hardly comprehend "That was a long time ago......what's your name again?" He said making a cutesy pose on top of the statue of himself. "It's Alatea build-a-bear reject" That seemed to anger the teddy. Great idea Alatea insult the bear that probably has all of our lives in his hands.....or would it be paws? "I.AM.MONOKUMA" I decide to speak up before Alatea could get us all killed "What's this 'killing game' you were talking about?" "Oh to answer your question you guy will be trapped here until someone kills someone else and gets away with it while everyone else is executed." "WHAT?!" Was all of our reactions to this news. "The one who kills will be know as the blackened and if they are found guilty in the class trial they will be punished by execution." "As in death." Rhun stated "Why yes. You really are a smart one aren't you?" Monokuma looked happy as he mocked Rhun. "Well students if you'd go back to your cabin you'll find that you have a e-handbook" Monokuma said as he jumped behind the statue and disappeared. Omkara looks terrified?! Rhun doesn't look too good either. I should check on them. Omkara is standing there rooted in his spot with a scared expression. "Omkara are you okay?" I said as he jumped. "Yeah fine....just...worried about some....people." He looks really sad? "Do you want to talk about it?" "Not right now. Maybe next time ok?" He said with a small smile. I go over to Rhun who is glaring at the Monokuma statue. As I got close to him I heard him whisper "I won't let him win this!" under his breath. "I would be more than happy to help you with that." He seemed to relax after seeing me. "Maybe." He said as he left. I guess it's time to go to my cabin isn't it?
———————time skip———————
As I make it to my cabin I see Ivy standing outside of it? Why is she here? She speaks up " umm ...hey.. I umm...don't know what to do?" She looks like she's about to cry? "I've never been in a situation like this? I don't know who to trust. I don't even completely understand!" "I can try to help if you want?" "I'd...I'd... like that" she said in a small scared tone completely different from the cold one from earlier. "How about tomorrow morning in the cafe?" "Ok" I walked into my cabin to see an electronic device on my bed. I guess this is the handbook? I turn it on to see my name in the middle of the screen. It then fades and show four different options rules, profiles, map, and Monokuma files. I tap on the rules button it reads
1. No harm may come to headmaster Monokuma at the hands of students
2. To Graduate one must kill someone using any method they wish  becoming the blackened and then surviving the class trial
3. A class trial is a trial in which the other students debate over who is the blackened. If the blackened is found out, the blackened is punished and everyone else continues the killing game. However if the blackened gets away everyone except the blackened is punished and the blackened gets to leave.
4. Monokuma reserves the rights to change the rules as he sees fit.
I look at the screen in shock I can't believe that this is happening. He really expected us to kill. I think I should go to bed. I think as I go to bed hoping everything will be better tomorrow.

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