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The training field trip made the seven students learned the value of true friendship. No matter what happen, dead or alive, you still had responsibilities to take care when valuing the bonds that you had.

It made the Minds (A/N: the name of their group as I stated in Chapter 8) united. It did not stopped the taunting of

Han to Lerrent but now they would seated themselves as a whole, no dividing chairs in between. Oftentimes, Kai Sun and Terra would sit together during break time and gossip things. While Li Li would always bother Rye on his hacking sessions that made the top hacker who doesn't delay his hacking practice would not be occupied by his laptop but occupied on dealing with Li Li's gadget.

They're not only united during investigation matters but even in casual things, they would do it together.

After a week spent on investigating the suicide-slash-murder case which turned out to be a plot of another elite family in order to show their prowess on the poor people who rebelled on them, including the Witara family. The Gray Household abolished the oligarchic system of the school after the case was solved and allowed the student body to elect students who has a capability on managing the school, properly. In Luke's watch, the election was successful. The Council of Student Affairs was established, composed of 14 elected deserving students, 7 members for the scholars' side and 7 members for the elites' side, and Luke was the chairman.

His father was proud of him as this was the first step of his training as the heir. Even his dream as a famous superstar was exchanged for persuading his family but despite that he's happy what he'd been through and thanked Kit for it.

For making him realized that running away from his responsibility as an heir would not help him.

You can run away from it but you can't hide from the situation when it is your time, your time to decide.

'To choose between what is easy and what is right'


Chun and Master Quin arrived at the conference room, the room size was very wide as it contained around twenty instructors of the Harconia Institute.

As they went in, there were fellow instructors who was about the same age of Chun but the truth were, they were a hundred older than Chun, as it was known that martial practitioners who had enter the Late realm cultivation level had a opportunity to change their appearance as they wanted.

Some appearance greeted Master Quin and the young man but mostly, they would acknowledge the former and ignore the latter. They don't like to bother their esteemed self on a worthless young man. Handling those deliquents were a joke to them, in their eyes, they more  valued students who had cultivations than useless mind freaks. In this strong suppresses the weak world, it's unavoidable to have thoughts like that.

Chun as usual, being herself was lazy to bother trivial matters as she was here for the meeting, not being someone pleasing to their eyes.

The more they looked at me, the more they would disliked me and that way, it would made their eyes stung and their eyeballs fell off. Good for them. Chun thought merrily.

Headmaster Spinther was on the platform infront. He settled the instructors when Quin arrived with Chun. The silver haired youth seated herself to an unoccupied seat near on the front by the second row. Quin went up on the platform as he seated himself with the other high officials of the school and Rin was one of them.

Rin acknowledged Chun with a stare and the youth nodded in respond.

"Good Morning, fellow educators of Harconia Institute! I called all of you here to discuss about the upcoming 205th World Winter Tournament that would be held in our continent, it is our turn now to host this grandest event and the most awaited tournament by martial practitioners worlwide," Headmaster Spinther opened.

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