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The move from Greece to Washington wasn't fun, and it certainly wasn't easy. It was tiring, having to sleep on an old dusty couch for the night before all your belongings came the next day from Greece. Having to unpack and pausing to go shopping for food. Getting nervous when your mother got stopped and talked about how they were sorry about your grandparents. It was tiring being stared at once again by not just the teen girls but everybody, wondering who you were or wondering why you and your mother moved back. It was all just, tiring. So imagine how you would feel when being told that you were starting your Junior year of high school the next day. Imagine realizing that you had never been to an actual school. Heliodoros hated America so far.


Okay, in my opinion, this sucks. So please, please please, wait for chapter one. It gets better, and longer

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