X Will

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X Will

Will looked over at Nico as he was bandaging Leo's wounds. Nico seemed as concentrated as if he was controlling the dead, but he was actually trying to mend Calypso's bruised arm without hurting her. Will had been explaining him how to do it by himself. Nico learned.

After Jason hugged the life out of Leo; he proceeded to simply scream the life out of Leo. Though Will felt bad enough for the guy already; so he gave Jason a sedative from behind. Will looked over at the sleeping Jason in the sand. Ha, he thought.

Leo told him, Nico, and Denis part of the story. He told them about the monsters they had to fight across the ocean. They crashed on a deserted island at some point, said it was in ruins. When Leo got to the point when he said it resembled a spa Percy and Annabeth nearly fainted. Soon though Leo grimaced and Calypso flinched, they asked if their wounds could be mended. It didn't bother Will though, because he understood that Leo and Calypso where in pain. After an hour both of them where completely healed.


"Will they didn't die." Nico looked over at him. Behind Nico sat was Leo, Calypso, Jason Piper, Percy, and Annabeth, though Frank and Hazel where on their way from Camp Jupiter. Percy and Calypso had there regards early but even from far away Will saw them smile and join the group together. Every camper sat by the camp fire. They all looked happy. The fire that sat in the middle of everyone rose 2 meters high bright with life.

Will knew that happiness could only last for a bit.

He looked over at Nico, who was smiling for once. He hung his arm around him and took his hand.

Will knew that most of his friends where in the stars now, so he decided to declare something to them.

"I know you all died heroes and I'm not sure I am one, but I do know is that I am happy now. I'm happy with Nico, my siblings, and all my friend." Will took a breath, "I do know happiness doesn't last long, but I also know that I will enjoy my happiness for now. I promise all of you this."

"Who are you talking to?" Nico asked. But Will didn't answer. He only kissed Nico.

YAY guys I finally finished writing my fanfiction. I really do hope you guys liked it, really.

I know this chapter was short but it was the last one. So ye.

I am sosososososo sorry I couldn't update soon. My whole family (13 people) came over for the holidays so I was very busy. I hope all of you had happy holidays too!


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