Chapter 17.

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"I love how you combed your hair today. Together with these earrings it gives you this mystical look." Lisa said, tilting her head to the side, her eyes zooming in on Jennie's face.

"I was hoping for a more serious conversation Lisa." the brunette nervously touched her hair.

"Yeah I know, I just wanted to say something nice to start."

"Oh. Sorry. I never know how to react to compliments. I always suspect there's some hidden motive behind them."


"I'm not really used to compliments, you know. Probably because I rarely hear them." Jennie said it in her usual, calm voice, but somehow in Lisa's ears it sounded really sad.

"Anyway, what you wrote in your letter really touched me, because... I'm glad you see good things in me and not the bad like most people."


"How did you know there was a 'but'?" Jennie arched her eyebrows in surprise, impressed.

"The tone of your voice kind of hinted it."

Jennie nodded and then spoke with visible difficulty.

"Lisa, you can't tell me you aren't scared by what happened to me. Just think for a moment. When I black out, I completely lose control of myself. I become someone with... inhuman powers. And I can be dangerous because I can't control them... what if I involuntarily hurt others? And then after waking up I wouldn't even remember it. I am terrified... I'm so terrified of myself." Jennie paused and looked at Lisa. "So don't tell me you're not frightened too."

The blonde shook her head. "Frightened is such a strong word. I'm not afraid of you Jennie. I swear I'm not. I am... worried."

"What if I black out and hurt YOU?" The question was asked so faintly that Lisa could barely hear it.

"No, I don't believe you'd be capable of that."

Jennie scoffed. "But you can't be sure."

"So far I only saw you hurt one person and only because you defended me."

"Oh, come on!" Jennie lost her patience. "Imagine I get mad for whatever reason, black out and smash your cat against the wall! What would you say then, huh!?" Tears appeared in Jennie's eyes. "Face it Lisa, I'm unpredictable, violent and dangerous! Which makes me a monster! That's the truth! I'm thankful that you don't want to see it, but it's the truth and you can't change that!" Her entire body was shaking as she covered her face in her hands.
"Stop repeating this bullshit Jen." Lisa replied, not even knowing why she sounded so firm and calm. "The very fact that you're so concerned about hurting others shows that you're not a monster. And besides, I know it."

"How can you possibly know it?"

"I just do." Lisa replied, her voice still calm and confident.

"That's not an answer." The brunette shook her head.

"That's the only answer I can give you. I'm sorry but I can't explain it."

Jennie stared at her in disbelief and amazement. She couldn't believe that Lisa's faith in her couldn't be crushed. She threw all rational arguments at Lisa to convince her, to make her lose her spirit, to weaken her faith, but nothing worked.

And Jennie felt extremely grateful for that. Because deep down in her soul she actually hoped that Lisa wouldn't falter, that she'd keep defending her.

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