Chapter 33.

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"With all due respect sir, I don't think this is a correct grade." Lisa said to Mr. Yang showing to him her biology test, with a big red C visible in the top corner.

"I think the grade is adequate."

"But my answers are all correct!"

Mr. Yang snorted. "Perhaps. But your reasoning is wrong."

"How could I have gotten correct answers if my reasoning was wrong? It doesn't make any sense."

"Listen, young lady. You're smart, I'll give you that. But for two years you've been slacking off and there's nothing that I hate more than laziness. So if you think you can get a better grade by working hard just in the last semester, you're sorely mistaken."

"That's not fair, the test is from this semester only, you can't take into account what happened before!"

"I assure you I can." he replied dryly. "Is that all?"

Lisa gave him a deadly glare and stormed out, cursing under her breath. It was a really fitting addition to the shitty week that she's had. After her conversation with Jennie at the karaoke, they didn't exchange a single word for several days. When the brunette sent her a message wanting to talk about grades, Lisa just replied "I can't, I'm busy." But it would be a lie to say that Lisa ignored Jennie completely, she was frequently watching her and noticed a visible change in her behavior. Jennie seemed more absent, confused even and she wasn't talking much even by her standards. And, what made Lisa a little less sad than she was, Jennie and Jin weren't seen together as much. There were conflicting rumors circulating around, some were saying that they fought, and others that they were dating in secret. Lisa of course didn't believe it for a moment. Or didn't want to believe it.

It has to be said that her reputation among students has deteriorated. The news about what happened during karaoke night somehow became a public knowledge, probably because Irene just couldn't stop herself from spreading the gossip. And it didn't make Lisa look good, the change in the attitude towards her was subtle, but it was certainly there. Other students started seeing her as aggressive and arrogant. Or simply a rude bitch, to use a term by which she was described in these gossips.

Lisa was too busy too care: not knowing what else to do, she put all her energy in studying. Sleeping five hours a night became her habit. After school she did additional homework for extra credit. After finishing the homework, she roamed the internet looking for more information on the topics she studied. And on the nights she devoured books on chemistry, biology, maths, science... It was tiring, but the results were extraordinary. Except Mr. Yang, all teachers were delighted that a smart girl like her finally put the effort and her grades greatly improved. What was most important, applying for a medical college finally became a realistic goal.


At the end of the day, Jisoo caught up to Lisa while she was leaving the school.

"Congratulations!" she said and Lisa raised a brow.

"For what?"

"Your biology grade."

"What? I got a C that's not nearly enough for-"

"What are you talking about, I saw you on the list, you got an A!"

"Chu, I'm really not in the mood for your jokes right now-"

"I'm not joking Liz, see for yourself."

Lisa checked the website on her phone and her eyes went wide. The grade next to her name was an A. What the hell? Why did Mr. Yang change it? She lifted her head from the screen and her gaze met with Jennie's, who was standing nearby. The brunette quickly turned away, pretending she wasn't looking. Lisa narrowed her eyes, she didn't really want to talk to Jennie so she hesitated a little. Then, knowing perfectly how stupid it may seem to message the person standing a few meters from you, she wrote:

"Was that you?"

A few seconds later the reply appeared on her screen. "You know you deserved an A."

Lisa quickly wrote "Thanks" and her finger hovered over the "send" button, but then she quickly erased the message without sending it.

"Are you going to tell me what's going on between you two?" Jisoo asked, waking Lisa up from her thoughts.

"Between me and who?" Lisa asked, pretending not to understand.

"Drop the act, do you think I'm an idiot, Limario?" Jisoo only used that nickname when she wanted to scold Lisa. "You and Jennie of course."

"I'm sorry Chu, I don't want to talk about it." Lisa answered in an apologetic manner.

"I know you're hurting and I hate seeing you like this..." Jisoo's face softened. "Just know that you can come to me whenever you're ready to talk, okay?"

Lisa simply nodded.


A sudden craving for something sweet made Jennie enter into a café near the school. She sat in the booth in the corner and ordered a coffee and a chocolate cake wondering if delicious food will improve her mood at least a little. She didn't like one bit the way she left things with Lisa. Knowing that Lisa was suffering made her worried. More than worried, anxious and restless. It got worse last week because Lisa seemed physically and mentally exhausted, distant and even indifferent to everything. Even to the nasty gossip that students were telling about her.

"How can I even help her if she won't talk to me?" Jennie asked herself desperately. She was out of ideas. Good thing that at least she managed to convince Mr. Yang to change Lisa's grade. Stupid jerk never saw it coming. Jennie smiled with satisfaction remembering how she used her powers to learn his feelings and then confronted him with this information. It was the first time she resorted to blackmail, she wasn't particularly proud about it but it was for a good cause. Besides, Lisa deserved an A anyway.

After taking a sip of the coffee, her attention was drawn to the entrance. She recognized Jisoo and Rosé coming inside and wanted to say hi, when she noticed the taller girl is visibly upset, maybe even crying. "Did they argue?" was Jennie's initial thought but she quickly abandoned it. Chaesoo couple arguing was as improbable as an asteroid hitting the Earth in that very moment.

They didn't see her because Rosé had her head down and Jisoo was too absorbed with comforting her friend. They took place in the next booth, sitting next to each other, with their backs to Jennie.

"I feel so powerless." Jennie heard Rosé's crying and sobbing faintly. She felt bad for eavesdropping and was just getting ready to stand up and greet them, when she heard something that stopped her in her tracks. "I'm so worried about Lisa, have you seen her today? She looks so crushed! This whole situation is slowly destroying her, we have to do something."

"I know, I wish we could, but she told us not to meddle, remember? She explicitly forbade us to talk to Jennie about it."

The brunette froze at the mention of her own name. Then her face went completely pale when she heard the next sentence.

"Isn't love supposed to make you happy? And look what it brought Lisa-" Rosé's voice broke. "Sometimes I wish she had never met Jennie, it made her so miserable." she sniffed.

"Shh, Chae, I really think it's not the end, maybe there's still a chance for them." Jisoo said comfortingly.

"Love can be so unfair! Lisa did so much for her, like when she wrote that letter remember? And she made sure that Jennie was invited to parties, that she got into that Music Club... Everyone likes Jennie now because of Lisa's efforts. And Lisa didn't even want Jennie to know that. It's just not fair!"

"I know, I know, shh, don't cry. Lisa is too proud to just brag about it to her. All she wanted was to protect Jennie and make her happy. And she did it. Selflessly, even at the cost of her own happiness. But that's what love is. I'd do the same for you. And you'd do the same for me, right?"

"Of course I would."

They both fell silent and Jisoo put her arm around Rosé, gently caressing her shoulder.

In the booth next to them Jennie sat with her face all wet, her hand across her mouth, trying to stop herself from sobbing. Large tears were dropping from her eyes onto the table below.

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