Chapter 12.

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"Oh my god Lisa, what the hell did you do, everyone is talking about you!" Rosé took Lisa's arm and they began walking along the corridor, attracting the stares of other students.


"Don't lie to me, can't you see how everyone is staring at us? And by us I mean you?"

Shit, she was right. Lisa just noticed it.

"I might've called the entire class assholes and told them to fuck off." she admitted.

"You did WHAT!?" Rosé gaped at her and her earphones fell from her hands on the ground.

"Yeah but only because..." Lisa bit her lip. Should she tell her friend everything? Probably, because she'll find out anyway. "It's a long story though..."

"Oh, come on, just spit it out, please!"

"Not here, you should be sitting for this."

"Ugh, my curiosity is killing me!" Rosé yelled in frustration. "Then let's go to the cafeteria!"

"Fine, but I want Jisoo to be there too."

"I'll call her, she should probably be finishing her running practice."

Fifteen minutes later they were all sitting at the table, Lisa was drinking water while Jisoo was sipping an energy drink which Rosé thoughtfully brought for her.

"So let's start." Lisa cleared her throat. Damn, why is confessing to your friends sometimes so hard? "I can't tell you everything but believe me, what I'll tell you will be strange enough."

"Well?" Rosé said impatiently because Lisa wasn't saying anything.

"It's not that easy, okay, this is really personal stuff..."

"I know. But we're your friends, you know we love you, Liz..." Jisoo assured her.

"And we promise we'll support you, whatever it is." Rosé added.

Lisa thanked them with her gaze.

"The girl from my dream who I told you about... it's Jennie." she confessed.

Jisoo choked on her drink and started coughing while Rosé's face froze in disbelief.

"I told you it was going to be strange." Lisa said. "And it's not even the weirdest part. So just don't say anything and just listen." Both her friends nodded in anticipation.

"Apparently Jennie saw me a month ago when I played a match at their school, and that's when I started seeing her in my dreams. But she can't explain why it happened. Anyway, like you know, after one month she arrived at our school and she just... unceremoniously barged into my life. She claimed to have this connection with me and told me that she felt responsible for me... And maybe it was true because it surprised me how much she knew about me and my feelings. She acted like some sort of... personal life adviser I guess. She asked me to completely change my life, stop being lazy, start studying and apply for a medical college. And she wasn't even nice or subtle about it, it seemed more like she was DEMANDING it. At first I told her to go to hell, but she didn't give up on me and now I'm starting to realize that maybe she was right..."

Lisa looked up and both Jisoo and Rosé were listening intently, maybe even slightly moved by her story.

"This Saturday I went clubbing and drank too much. I got into trouble and Jennie saved my ass... like literally saved me. And the worst thing is that she had told me to stop drinking before and I hadn't listened. So right now she's probably mad at me and I can't even look her in the eyes because I'm so ashamed for letting her down." She fell silent for a few seconds, taking two deep breaths. "So I owe her a lot and today in class everyone just messed with her, calling her a freak, a weirdo. I couldn't allow that and maybe I went too far by insulting them, I don't know. Because... strangely enough, just like she felt responsible for me, now I feel responsible for her. She has suffered enough already, she doesn't deserve any more unhappiness..."

"I don't know what to say..." Rosé said quietly, a little emotionally shaken by the story.

"And I have so many questions I don't even know where to start. Like seriously, you are considering going to medical college?" Jisoo asked incredulously. "But we begged you to study like a million times and you wouldn't even listen!"

"I know. Maybe because you were too polite about it. Jennie just straight ordered me to do it. And she seemed really adamant about helping me. I guess that was the push that I needed. I still don't believe I'll be able to apply for the medical college though, it just seems impossible. But at least I want to improve my grades to apply for some other college."

"Wow, just wow. And how exactly did she save you?"

"I can't tell you that, I'm sorry."

"It's okay." Rosé patted Lisa's hand. "And why do you think she's so... distant?"

"Hmm... It will sound really weird but I hope you'll understand what I mean. It feels like the entire happy part of her personality was somehow removed from her, and only sad and bitter part of her soul remained. She's just unable to be friendly to people because she doesn't trust them, she was hurt far too many times."

"And you decided to help and protect her, right?" Jisoo asked, admiration clearly audible in her voice.

"Not even decided. I just know this is what I have to do. What I want to do."

"Then you can count on us with anything. I mean it Lisa, really anything."

"Yeah, for example we can talk to her, see how she feels about you and about what happened on Saturday." Rosé suggested and Lisa nodded in agreement.

"Thank you." she whispered. "I don't want to sound corny but you're the best friends one could ask for."

"Yeah, that didn't sound corny at all." Jisoo scoffed and all girls grinned broadly.

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