Chapter 37.

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"I'm going to go to the bathroom. Jennie, please watch Lisa for me and don't let her eat the rest of my pizza, I know she's already thinking about it." Jisoo winked at the brunette, who nodded smilingly.

"I'll go with you." Rosé stood up and they left together.

"These two just enjoy teasing me whenever they can." Lisa sighed.

"Yeah I noticed. But they love you Liz, you're lucky to have friends like them." Jennie said.

"I know."

Lisa's phone buzzed, she picked it up and her eyes widened after reading Rosé's message.

"See you later, enjoy your date with Jennie ;)"

"Looks like they ditched us." she said apologetically. "I'm sorry, none of it was my idea, I swear-"

"Relax, I'm really having fun." Jennie calmed her down, reaching for the next slice of pizza.

After clearing her throat Lisa said: "Listen, uhm... I don't want to spoil the fun, but I have a really serious question. And please, if you don't think it's a good idea, just say no, okay?"

Jennie nodded, unsure about what Lisa was going to ask.

"I was thinking that maybe you could tell me about your past, I mean the things that caused you pain, I really believe that it could be helpful to get it off your chest, to let it out."

"You want to be my therapist?"

"Well, not exactly a therapist, more like a friend who listens."

"Liz, thanks for asking, but you can't imagine all the sad shit I've been through, I don't want to burden you with it-"

"Burden me? Jen, I wouldn't have asked if I didn't want to hear it. Please?"

After a brief moment of hesitation, Jennie agreed: "I guess we could try and see how it works..."

"Great!" Lisa exclaimed happily, she was sure that Jennie would refuse. "I really think it will be a good thing for you."

"But in exchange I want to ask you to do something too." Jennie said.

"Sure, anything."

"I did some research and prestigious colleges do not only look at grades when they evaluate candidates. They also take into consideration if a student participated in extracurricular activities... And forgive me for saying this, but your application won't look good in this department. But luckily we still have time to do something about it. So my idea was that you could organize a charity event in our school for kids from the orphanage. Students could donate their stuff for the kids, we could have some sport competitions, games, music activities, these kind of things... What do you think Liz?"

Lisa gaped at her, awestruck.

"I'll help you with everything of course and maybe we could get Jisoo and Rosé to help out too." Jennie said, trying her best to convince Lisa.

"Jen, do you realize how amazing you are?" Lisa suddenly asked, her eyes full of admiration.

"Stop it, I already told you I don't know how to react to compliments-"

"Well, you better learn how to react because I'm not going to stop telling the truth to you, you're the most remarkable, breathtaking-"

"Lisa seriously, stop!" Jennie covered her ears with her hands, laughing loudly and seeing her so joyful made Lisa laugh too.

"Your idea is great, of course I'll do it, I even can't wait to do it." Lisa said once they both calmed down a little. "I'll ask my friends to help, Yeri, Sana and maybe Baekhyun..."

"And I'll talk to Somi and maybe I'll ask Jin if his band could participate too-" Jennie added excitedly.

Lisa flinched hearing the boy's name. There could be no doubt he was interested in Jennie, the all-important question was: was she interested in him? She opened her mouth to ask that, but changed her mind at the last second, almost biting her own tongue. No, she had no right to ask Jennie that. Instead, she decided to try something else. Extending her hand, she delicately grazed it against Jennie's forearm, trying her best to make it look as natural and innocent as possible. But Jennie withdrew her hand as soon as she felt their hands touching. Lisa sighed, Jennie was clearly avoiding any physical contact which might be considered as more than a friendly touch.

Not wanting to give up just yet, Lisa grabbed Jennie's arm when they were walking back to school, helping her walk up the stairs leading to the main door. Encouraged by the fact that Jennie didn't protest, Lisa opened the door for her and ushered her forwards, gracefully putting her arm around Jennie's waist and grazing her hip as she did so. She was looking for any kind of reaction, but there was none: if Jennie felt something, she hid it really well. Lisa didn't want to go any further with their contact, afraid that it might scare Jennie away. She took a deep breath. "Damn, breaking that wall of ice will be harder than I thought."


Lisa would be certainly more optimistic if she knew that the "wall of ice" was already full of cracks. Because Jennie really did feel Lisa's subtle touches and had to use all her strength not to show how it affected her. Recently she noticed that she liked being touched in an affectionate way, because all her life she was missing it. For example when Jin tried to hold her hand or graze her arm, it felt really nice and Jennie had to admit that she enjoyed it. It was just a pleasant feeling, but nothing more. While when Lisa did it, it sparked this weird electricity inside her body, her touch was like... Like what? Jennie had trouble understanding her own feelings. And then it dawned on her.

Lisa's touch felt like a promise. Like a promise of something more, something infinitely more deep and intimate. And of course exciting too. Intriguing even.

It was all so confusing, Jennie was so desperate that she took out her phone and searched for the "what is my sexuality?" online test. "Damn, it's really pathetic that I'm so clueless." she kept thinking as she was answering the questions. Then she sighed when her results appeared on her screen: apparently she was 40% asexual, 30% bisexual and 30% pansexual. "Just great, I still don't know anything." she put her phone away.

As she was strolling through the corridor, an attractive girl smiled as she was passing by. Jennie smiled back faintly. The girl was really beautiful and it gave Jennie an idea. For a moment, she forced herself to imagine herself kissing the girl. Eww, no. It just felt wrong. "Does it mean I'm asexual?" Surprised that this thought made her almost sad, she kept looking for answers. "Or maybe I just don't know anything about this girl's personality so I can't be attracted to her? What about someone I know?" she thought and without a warning, Lisa replaced the girl in her mind: a vivid image of her and Lisa sharing a kiss appeared in her imagination. It didn't make her excited or aroused but suddenly Jennie realized something else which made her stop abruptly and raise a brow.

Because kissing Lisa didn't feel wrong at all.

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