Chapter 41.

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On Saturday morning the school was full of people. The news about the charity event spread like wildfire on social media and many students volunteered to help. Others just came out of curiosity or just to show support to Jennie and Lisa and their noble idea. There were of course those who came simply to have fun and some free food. Even some teachers were present, including director Lee, who wholeheartedly supported the entire idea.

About thirty kids from the orphanage arrived, with several guardians and Ms. Park, the director of the institution. The event started with sport competitions taking place outside. Both students from school and kids from the orphanage quickly blended together, forming teams and playing with and against each other. Jennie and Lisa anxiously tried to manage everything, but just after half an hour their stress disappeared completely because they realized that the event was running smoothly by itself. And what was most important, everyone was having fun, which was the entire point of the event in the first place.

Then came the most important part, it was a charity event after all, so the kids were given all kind of toys and gadgets which students had donated earlier. Jennie and Lisa were completely overwhelmed with how generous the students turned out to be. Some even donated money which both girls used to buy even more stuff for the kids. For example, they managed to buy a brand new gaming console and donate it to the orphanage. All children were completely amazed, having the time of their lives, not entirely believing the number of presents that they were showered with. And school students thoroughly enjoyed it too, just watching the kids screaming with joy was more than enough to make them happy.

In the afternoon, everyone gathered in the auditorium to watch the play prepared by the Drama Club. Then the members of the Music Club performed a few songs. They were followed by the orphanage kids showing their specially prepared dance routine, for which they got a well-earned ovation from the audience. Finally, Jin's band played three of their most popular hits, and they even invited the kids on stage for the last one. Everyone was having such a great time that disappointment could be felt among the audience when Ms. Park, the director of the orphanage, went up on the stage to conclude the event.

"I've worked for many years in this institution but I must say I have never participated in such a wonderful event." Mr. Park commenced. "On behalf of the children I want to thank you all for you generosity and your help. It fills my heart with happiness to know that we have such amazing students. Look at these kids around you, you put smiles on their faces for the entire day, you should really be proud of yourselves. Thank you again."

She paused and the auditorium was dead silent. "But I want to especially thank two girls who came up with this idea and organized it all from the beginning to the end. Lisa Manoban and Jennie Kim, thank you for having the courage, passion and dedication to achieve something as wonderful as this event. You know, I must admit I had doubts when they contacted me some time ago and told me about this idea. I wasn't sure if it was going to work out. But then I saw how enthusiastic they were about it and my doubts vanished. Just by looking at them you can see that they are-"

"Lovers!" someone yelled from the crowd, and the auditorium echoed with quiet laughs. Ms. Kang of course heard it, but didn't seem surprised.

"I was going to say great friends, but if they're indeed lovers then I'm sure they're happy together, because they both have such good hearts. Jennie, Lisa, why don't you join me on stage, we all owe you a standing ovation." she said with an encouraging smile.

"No way, I'm not going up on the stage." Lisa muttered under her breath. Jennie was just sitting silently, shaking her head, her cheeks blushing. Jisoo grabbed Lisa with her left hand, Jennie with her right and pulled them both off their seats, showing again how remarkably strong she was.

"Either you can go there on your own or I swear I'll drag you up on the stage myself." Jisoo's voice was like steel.

Reluctantly, both girls slowly walked up on stage.

"Maybe you'd like to say a few words?" Ms. Park handed them the microphone. Knowing how shy Jennie was, Lisa tried to take it but to her surprise, Jennie was faster. She grabbed the microphone with determination and looked bravely at the audience. And then she fell silent. Not because she was afraid, no, she just wanted to let herself savor this moment.

Jennie Kim, whose life was full of unhappiness and misery for so many years, who was rejected, despised and even feared... She was now standing in front of everyone, accepted, liked and even admired. And she was feeling truly happy because the most important person in her life was standing just next to her and her gaze was filled with love.

"Hi." she said shyly, but her voice was surprisingly firm. "Most of you got to know me a few weeks ago because of Lisa's letter. She called me her hero, her friend and her guardian angel... But what most of you don't know is that she did much more for me that I had ever done for her. When I arrived here, I was deeply unhappy, miserable and even sick. And it all started to change when I met Lisa. She worked very, very hard to help me... sometimes even by sacrificing her own happiness. And she succeeded, she saved me, against all odds. Because I can say it now: I finally feel happy, healthy and I enjoy every second of my life. Here I stand, a living example that you should never, absolutely never lose hope, even in the darkest pit of despair there is light and if you follow it, the light will finally conquer the darkness. And Lisa was my light."

Jennie turned her head to Lisa. "Liz, you too are my hero, my friend and my guardian angel. But most importantly..." Jennie's voice broke and she put her hand across her mouth to stop herself from sobbing. Everyone was silent, only one sole sound could be heard in the auditorium: Jennie sniffing and whimpering quietly, trying to compose herself. Her eyes glistened with tears as she continued in a sobbing voice:

"But most importantly... you were the first person to ever love me..." the emotions overwhelmed her again and she had to stop. This time a few sniffs could be heard in the audience too. "You should know that I love you too... With all my heart... And I want to be with you Liz, it's you and me, forever..." Jennie dropped the microphone and they both rushed towards each other, joining in a tight hug. They held onto each other with all their strength, both sobbing quietly, but feeling deeply happy inside.

There was only a quiet applause, mostly because most girls were already crying and guys were just looking aimlessly around, trying to hide the fact that their eyes were getting wet too. Even Ms. Park was wiping her eyes with a tissue.

"Geez, what a drama." Kai commented, pretending not to show that he was emotional too.

"Shut up Kai." Jisoo snapped at him and squeezed Rosé's hand, who immediately squeezed it back in a comforting way. Both their faces were covered in tears but they didn't even bother to wipe them off.

Jennie and Lisa didn't even hear the applause, hugging tightly they were in their own world.

"I love you." Lisa whispered into Jennie's ear.

"I love you too." the brunette whispered back.

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