Behind closed doors

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As everyone enter the room the Guardians were talking about something.

"Hey what are talking about" ask midoriya. The gods turned to and realized that everyone was in the room. "Well midoriya we we're discussing about the first universe so we decided to show short stories about you." Guardian spoke.

After that midoriya nod and walk towards his seat where eri and kota are at.

"So we ready" dark guardian ask

Everyone nods

"Then let's start" the screen turn on

The screen show U.A drom

" I wonder what this about" nezu ask himself.

The next scene show midoriya's room door.

"Oh no" the teacher and students we're starting to get worried for the friend and student.

Inside the room a portal opening up and the league of villains showed up. "Izuku midoriya we have come to-" Shigaraki and League look surprised.

"What are we surprise" ask Shigaraki

"Better question is why we at the kids dorm" ask dabi "Easy you guys were planning to kidnapped midoriya and try to turn evil" guardian answer

"What!!!" Everyone except the villains shock.

"And you know what this actually happen" dark guardian explains

"Wait what this. Actually happen. But why can" I remember anything of this" said Mr. Compress

"Me neither" said kurogiri

"Of course you don't remember but midoriya does." Guardian points towards midoriya Everyone look at midoriya and he was sweating bullets. "Midoriya why didn't you tell us about this" aizawa was angry and serious

"Uhhh well you see" midoriya was to explain but he was cut off by Dark Guardian "just keep watching you get your answer" he smirks

The screen zoom out to midoriya sitting on the floor with the radio playing some music while having a lit smokey (if you get my drift😏)

"Uhh Izuku midoriya?" Shigaraki was confuse

" what...oh shit you got to be kidding me" he turn off the radio and ask " what the fuck you guys want can't you see I'm busy"

The room was silent both heroes and villains and students and adults were shocked to hear midoriya the most pure cinnamon bun there is swearing and smoking pot.

"I..I don't know what to said" Iida was confused

"Never in my life to see awell-behaved student smoking and swearing at the same time. Now this I'm gonna need some coffee" said nezu while walking out to get some coffee. "What the fuck deku I didn't know you smoke and swear" soon everyone look at bakugo

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