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            I pace the hallway outside Raine's room, waiting for her parents to return. They hadn't answered any of my calls, and I was starting to panic. I wonder if Brent had spoken to them, or if something else had happened entirely. Either way I am uneasy about the situation.


            I spin around, letting out a breath in relief when I see it's her parents, their jackets dripping from the rain. "I was getting worried," I say. "You weren't answering my calls."

            "We ran into Brent Richards downstairs," her father answers, his face downturned in a frown. Anger boils up in me again, but I try to keep it down.

            "Did you?"

            "Did you punch him?" Mrs. Chambers asked, her face looking as regal as it ever did. I stuff my fists in my pockets and look at the ground.

            "I did."

            Mr. Chambers grunts in approval. "What was that scum even doing here?"

            I shake my head and look at them. "I have no idea, but I intend on finding out." Neither of them say anything, so I continue. "I may not be around for a while. If she wakes up just tell her I love her," I turn to go.

            "Luke," Mr. Chambers says again, and I look back. Mrs. Chambers steps into the room, and once the door is closed her husband steps closer to me, the wrinkles in his face looking more etched in than ever. "We will support you in whatever you do. I have a feeling that Brent Richards is more dangerous than he appears."

            I nod. "Thank you, sir."

            Mr. Chambers slaps a hand on my shoulder, and I take it as my cue to leave. I take the steps, instead of the elevator, two at a time. I step out into the rain and head in the direction of our apartments. I needed to walk. To think about what I was going to do, and if it was going to work.

            When I make it to our floor, I see that Raine's doorway is cracked slightly. My blood pounds in my ears as I approach it. Carefully I push the door open with the tips of my fingers and step into the apartment. Nothing seems out of place, except for an opened bottle of white wine on the counter, it's cork on the floor. I pick it up and hesitate slightly before heading toward the bedroom. When I step in, I see Brent, leaned back on the headboard, a small leather book in one hand, a glass of wine in the other.

            "Hello Luke," he says without looking up, turning the page with his thumb. "Did you know that Raine still hides her journal in the same place? You would think that when she moved she would stop hiding it under her mattress."

            "What the hell-"

            "Save your complaints," Brent gets up off the bed and moves over to me. "Listen to this: 'Luke is so nice, but I don't know how I can trust anyone after Brent.' Isn't that sweet?"

            "Get out before I call the police," my hands clench, and so does my jaw.

            "Luke, I don't think you understand what I told you at the hospital. I'm not going anywhere," he hands me Raine's journal, which I close instantly, not breaking eye contact. Brent gins and takes the last sip of the wine. I return the grin, which comes out more like a smile.

            "Then that makes two of us."


hello i have returned how are you

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