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CHARACTER PAIRING | soulmate!oikawa tooru x reader

GENRE | fluff, soulmate au

WORDS | 1.9K

NOTE | new format aye! i had this posted for tooru's birth week, and i forgot to actually post it here HAHAHA better late than never they said, this one shot was inspired by a line generator lmao just wanted ya'll to know that. anywho, please enjoy this for the meanwhile until i try to get my shit together HAHAHA. 



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you live in a world where soulmate marks exist. everyone has different types of marks ranging from; timers, red strings of fate, roman numerals, half tattoos, etc. as you grow old, you watch people find their soulmates, and on some unfortunate occasions, lose them.

each person had different views on the concept of soulmates, it wasn't sunshine and rainbows all the time, but you stayed neutral after receiving every side of the spectrum that varied from the good side — as well as the bad side of meeting their other halves.

you knew you were bound to meet your own soulmate either way, but you wouldn't get your hopes up just like that — until you received your soulmate mark on the morning of your 15th birthday.

it was a beautiful tattoo on your wrist. written were the words that your soulmate would say to you on your first encounter. your parents told you that the time and date of your encounter with them — along with their words to you, would turn golden as soon as you've said your first words to each other; just like how their soulmate mark worked. and although you were aware that every mark is different, you couldn't help but raise a brow from confusion at the sentence that was permanently placed on your wrist.

'well to be honest, i don't like your perfume'

it read, an intriguing way to say to your soulmate, you thought to yourself. and that night, you couldn't help but admire the pretty lettering on your wrist; rubbing your thumb against it, grinning from ear to ear like a fool.

days went by from when you received your tattoo, you'd constantly wonder what your soulmate was like or when and how you were going to meet them. tracing your fingers along the tattoo turned into a habit whenever you're bored or anxious about something. to add to that, the thought of their existence would sometimes consume you, and you'd be stuck in a loophole of questions and doubts.

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