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CHARACTER PAIRING | boyfriend!iwaizumi hajime x f!reader

GENRE | fluff, long distance relationship (16 HR difference)

WORDS | 1.1K

NOTE | managed to finish this in one day wtf HAHAHA. enjoy! <3





5:31 pm.

iwaizumi glanced at the clock on top of his desk. it was the end of his lectures for the day, but it didn't feel that way because of the workload his professor has given them. he knew pursuing sports science in california— away from everyone he knew, including his girlfriend— wasn't going to be easy.

it wasn't going to be easy in a sense where he'd start to miss home. to miss her. it was evident from how he's starting to constantly wear the hoodie she used to borrow from him because her scent still lingers on the material.

thoughts of his beloved consumed his mind, distracting him from the empty feeling of his dormitory and the stress looming over his head. he grabbed his phone, hesitating on whether to call her. it was way too late back in tokyo, memorizing the time differences by heart.

just when he was about to press 'call' on her contact, her caller id suddenly popped up on screen. his finger glided on the call button with much haste and worry, not used to her initiating your everyday calls. it was usually up to him to call first.

"babe? is everything alright over there?" he asks out of concern, earphones plugged into his ears as he sets his phone down on the desk, awaiting for her response.

"haji, everything's fine don't worry. . what's up?" hajime let out a sigh of relief when he heard her voice. it was raspy and laced with tiredness and sleep, assuming she was just about to go to bed but decided to stay up for him; a habit she soon adapted to because of the vast difference in time zones.

"i mean i was going to call you first, but you beat me to it so," he replied with a chuckle, he could sense the lazy smile on her face while she let out a giggle of her own.

"it's 1 am in tokyo, right?"

"yeah it's. . " he could hear the sound of sheets shuffling around on her end, smiling to himself when her cute yawns could be picked up. ". . exactly 1:35 am over here. how are you holding up with uni babe?"

"oh you know the usual," iwaizumi grimaced, the mention of university brought him back to the sad reality of college; right in front him was the stacks of paper given by one of his professors as a reviewer of some sort.

"trying to get as much shit done as possible. the professors here are cruel. . "

"aww haji~ i know you can do it! but don't overwork yourself, okay?"

"no promises babe—"


"i'm kidding, i'm kidding. . " his hearty laugh caused the other party to join him in his happiness right after, the sound of her joy bringing this light feeling in his heart that he has been unknowingly needing the entire day.

"by the way, did you take your meds this morning? please tell me you did. . "

"of course i did. oh and i still have that color coded folder you delivered to me for my papers, so thank you for that. . "

"don't worry about it haji, i know how antsy you get when your stuff is all disorganized. . "

". . do i really get that antsy?"

"believe it or not— yes you do love" he rolled his eyes at her relentless teasing, unaware of the smile plastered on his face the whole time they've been conversing. it was phone calls like this he wouldn't mind getting charged a thousand dollars for.

"how is uni going for you so far? have any. . tea to spill?"

"starting to use my slang now, eh?" it was crazy how iwaizumi could imagine the face that y/n was making just from the tone of her voice. he could imagine her eyebrows wriggling so teasingly, an indescribably weird smirk he knew all too well.

"well uni is all good, stressful but i guess in a good way," the male listened to her every word, footsteps could be heard from the other line as she talked his ear off while he read through the pages of research works.

"right now i have a group research that's like. . due in a week? ugh, which reminds me that we haven't even discussed for expenses on the printing, and the materials for the model. i mean i'm kind of glad i have at least one decent teammate— but the others though? god don't even get me started. . "

iwaizumi found himself slightly intrigued by the amount of gossip she could spill in one night, he's always all ears. he never found her stories boring, even though some may be stupid as hell. he's always there to listen.

"they sound like assholes. do i need to deliver a punch from california to their doorstep?" he joked. he could feel her eye roll from miles away, wishing he was right there by your side to witness it instead of using his imagination while having conversations over the phone. but what can he do?

"that'd be nice. . . although, i'd rather receive an iwaizumi hajime by my doorstep right now, y'know?" her comment sounded endearing, yet the former ace knew better than to be deceived. her voice was bittersweet. it hurts to know that she wasn't physically here with him where she should be. it pains him to know that he could only see her through a screen on some occasion because of their busy schedules. he knows she felt the same pain as he did. they were on this wild ride together.

but he knows that distance isn't supposed to be a problem, their love was much more stronger than the struggles they've faced throughout this long distance relationship.

"i don't know how many times i've told you this over the phone, but i'll never get tired of repeating myself. i really miss you, hajime."

"babe, i'm pretty sure you know by now that i miss you too. . " hajime knew she was trying to be strong for the both of them. he was trying to do the same as well. if one ever falls and struggles, the other would be there to pick them back up and carry their burdens with them. but if both parties fall and couldn't get up, they know they'd just hold onto each other and pick each other up once again.

"6 months, remember? 6 months is all it takes, babe. . " he reminded her after the inevitable silence between them. he'd never get tired of waiting for that moment to come. that day that was set for her to finally make it home in his arms.

". . yeah, 6 months left, haji. 6 months until i make it from tokyo, to california— to you."

6 months is all it takes until iwaizumi hajime could finally have l/n y/n in his arms once again. no matter how long it takes, he will wait. 

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⏰ Last updated: Sep 10, 2020 ⏰

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