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boyfriend!oikawa tooru x f!reader

GENRE | fluff

WORDS | 836, short but sweet.

NOTE | it's been a while, hello! school has been kicking my ass lately so i'm really sorry for my inactivity. not just that, but updates both on tumblr and here are quite slow </3 i've decided to not release the project that i've been working on until i for sure know i completed it. i hope you guys understand and still look forward for my future creations. anyways, on with the story!





as of now, life was painted in dull shades of gray.

it started with a cough and it ends with you being stuck at home alone swimming in your own misery; nose running and throat itching to let another dry cough out of you. yesterday was all roses and peonies, happily running around in the rain without the thought of ending up sick crossing your mind once. but your weak immune system says otherwise.

and now here you are, surrounded with copious amounts of snot-filled tissues, bed ridden with a random netflix series you've stumbled upon displayed on the flat screen tv. you had the basic starter pack to give you comfort throughout this fever; being engulfed in the warmth of your cozy blankets in bed with chamomile tea by your bedside table, a fever patch sticked to your burning forehead to help control your body temperature.

the ambiance you set yourself up for was delightful in a solacing way. but something was missing. or someone was.

a small pout is brought upon your face when you received a message from your lover saying he wouldn't be able to drop by, having to go home straight after practice. you breathed out a sigh, setting your phone aside after reassuring him it was fine— adding a reminder to take care of himself to not end up in your situation as well.

as much as you wouldn't want to admit it aloud— much alone to yourself, the mellowness his sweater brings wasn't enough to suffice the desire for his warmth. to be engulfed by his arms instead of your blankets. and before you know it, you were drifting back to sleep, carrying thoughts of oikawa with you on your way to deep slumber.

you knew this temporary feeling of missing him would fade away with the pink skies of the afternoon. but you weren't expecting the feeling of loneliness to subside because those familiar chocolate brown eyes adoring the sight of your sleeping face.

"..tooru?"  the sound of your hoarse voice calling out for the latter brought a smile on tooru's face. your eyes looked up to meet his gaze, you could practically feel his sighs brush against your forehead from how close your bodies were.

when you needed him the most, oikawa tooru was by your side. he was right here. half asleep and jet lagged, but still present.

your focus drifted and noticed the vast difference of the state you left your room moments ago. the tissues that were scattered on the floor is now piled up in the trash, your tea cup was refilled with another warm batch of chamomile tea and the tv was turned off. not only that, your fever patch was replaced with a new one and now you're here with your boyfriend amongst the blanket piles.

"what are you doing here? i thought you were babysitting takeru this time?" your question did not go unnoticed, the brunette only pulled you back into his loving arms, holding you close while your head found placement against his chest. it just felt so right being in his arms.

"his mom said she could manage since she wanted me to focus on you. of course i couldn't say no to that," his voice dripping with honey as his fingers ran through your hair. you could tell he just came back from practice catching a glimpse of the familiar colors of your school.

"especially knowing that i have to do my duties as your boyfriend and take care of my sick girlfriend." his hand reached out to feel your temperature, his lips formed into a frown when he knew your fever wasn't going away any time soon.

"don't worry about a thing princess, you need more rest if you wanna get better!" your lips tugged into a meek smile, your cravings for his touch satisfied once his lips placed a gentle kiss on the top of your head, his brown curls tickled the side of your neck as he snuggled closer. this was exactly what you needed, and you willingly succumbed to his command.

in this very moment, it was revealed to you that life will always be painted in dull shades of gray — maybe even splattered with black paint on the darkest days. but it wouldn't always stay this way. it doesn't have to when you have oikawa by your side.

his presence painted the prettiest sceneries that would eventually turn into unforgettable memories, engraved into your mind for the rest of eternity. his love made you see life through rose-colored glasses.

and as you rest in his arms, you swore you saw everything was colored rosy hues in the most endearing way possible.

"tooru?" you called out for him once again, this time receiving a hum in response without having to glance your way.

"avec toi, je vois la vie en rose." your smile only broadened when his puzzled expression came into view.

"what i meant was 'with you, life is all roses.' "

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