Blueberry Training and No Protection

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"Okay, I'm done, I feel so fat." Those waffles were so good, I ate nine of them.

"That's cuz you are" Yep, dad's a douchebag. Steve smacked him upside the head, which made me laugh and dad glared at me, "Well, when you're with Steve, will you use protection?" He grinned, knowing it annoyed me, whereas Steve looked like a deer caught in headlights.

"You are such a langer, dad! I hate you," I yelled at him as I left the kitchen, "Steven! Come back to the training room and bring me blueberries!"

"Steven?" He questioned as soon as he was walking beside me. I smiled, realising he never put a shirt on.

"That is your name, right? I mean, not that I know your life story or your full name or anything, Steven Grant Tyler Rogers."

He looked a little shocked but, he looked interested at the same time.

"Come on, time to train, shirtless boy!"

He gave me the weirdest look ever and I couldn't help but laugh. We got to the training room and Steve immediately walked over to the punching bag.

"What are you doing?"

"Oh, you know, training. Because we're in the training room."

I smiled and realised he didn't know what I planned to do.

"Nope! We're training with blueberries instead then we'll have a heartfelt conversation, involving tears and laughter."

He lifted one eyebrow when I opened my mouth. "Throw a blueberry in my mouth, dumbass." I whispered.

He did and I caught it. "WOOOOO! WE HAVE A WINNER!!!!"

We did this for, like, half an hour and we only stopped because we ran out of blueberries. I caught 24 blueberries in my mouth and Steve only caught 11.

"Dammit! We need more but I don't wanna get up and I don't want you to leave, Steven." I trailed off, getter quieter at the end.

He just smiled and said, "How about that heartfelt conversation? Or we could just play 20 questions?"

We were just about to start when dad called down, "Are you using protection?"

I grinned and looked at Steve, whispering "Play along"

"Crap, I knew there was something we forgot. Dammit, Steve! You had one job!"

My dad almost fell and died, he was running so fast.

"Gowl" I muttered under my breath, making Steve laugh.

Hey guys
So there is some slang that we use in Ireland in this chapter but I'm not sure if it's used in other countries. If you don't understand it, just comment and ask.

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