Man Whores Everywhere

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"ANTHONY EDWARD STARK! WHERE IS IT?" I yelled into the living room. I knew he had guests but I couldn't care less.

"Where is what, Kat?" He wasn't going to like my answer, I was looking for my Captain America necklace. When I shouted this into the room he groaned in disgust. "Obsessed," I heard him mutter to the guests, "Why do you even need it?"

Kate (my best friend, remember?) bought me the necklace when we were twelve and had visited the museum for the first time. I knew Dad would hate the reason I needed it. "I'm going out with Nick soon so-" I was cut off by my phone ringing. "Who's strong and brave, here to save the American way?"

I ran into the living room, ignoring the guests and my Dad, and picked up the phone. As soon as I answered Kate started talking. "Finally. Hey, you left the necklace at my house and my little brother broke it. Sorry. Don't hate me," she said quickly and hung up.

She said sorry. Kate never says sorry unless she did something seriously wrong and she wouldn't say sorry about my necklace being broken. Now I'm worried.

I turned back around and looked at the guests, noticing them for the first time. Holy crap, it's the avengers! Eeeek!

Bruce stepped forward first and began to introduce himself. "Hi, you must be Katherine, I'm Bruce-" "Banner," I cut him off, "I know, I'm a huge fan of yours, of all of yours. No need for introductions but call me Kat. I hate the name Katherine."

There was a few seconds of silence until Steve decided to make conversation. "So, Kat, what song was that on your phone?" I turned to him and almost slapped him, he looked so smug. "Can it, Super Soldier!"

My dad sighed and looked at Bruce. Bruce nodded back to him. Crap, they wanna have grown up conversations which means I'll be kicked out of the room.

"Kat, show Steve the way to the training room and keep him company," my dad ordered me. I know, I'm 20 but I still obey my dad because it's easier than to ignore him and get in a fight. Anyway, I don't mind.

We walked in silence to the training room and just went in "So, Steve, this is it. Our amazing training room of awesomeness" I turned back and smiled when I saw him shirtless. He noticed and a worried look appeared. "Do you mind? I just train better shirtless." Awwwww, he looked so embarrassed. I shook my head. Jesus, for a 90 year old man, he's pretty hot.

He was training for about ten minutes when the doorbell rang. "Kat, it's for you!" I said bye to Steve for a minute and went to the door. I smiled when I saw Nick. "Hey, listen. I'm sorry I can't come over today. See, I'm helping my dad with his friends and-"

"You coming back down soon?" I was cut off by Steve. I turned back to him and nodded, smiling as he walked away. I turned back to Nick, he looked mad and it wasn't hard to guess why.

"No, it's not what you th-"

"You're cheating on me?" He cut me off, sounding hurt. "You slut! How dare you! I wasn't going to tell you but Kate and I have spending nights together. She's kisses better than you."

His smug smile made me do it. I punched him and made his nose bleed. "DAD" He strolled in and laughed, "what did he do?"

"He called me a slut, do something with him." I went back to living room. "What was that about?" Clint asked.

I smiled as I said, "Man whores, man whores everywhere"

Hey guys
So again, this is my first fanfic. I hope you like it but I would also like some criticism and advice. I'm from Ireland so there might be some Irish slang, if you don't understand just comment and ask. I will also try updating every Tuesday and Friday
Thanks for reading
-Milly 😊

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