21 Birthday!

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*20 June*
As soon as I woke up, I knew two things. One, it's my birthday. Two, I wasn't gonna like dads surprise.

I don't know how I knew that I wasn't gonna like it, I just did.

I just lay in bed thinking about the past week. I met the Avengers, saw Steve shirtless, lost my boyfriend and best friend, dad got shot and I fixed him.

For the past five days, Dad's been staying in hospital (obviously seeing as he got shot in the chest) but Steve has been coming over every day.

We've gotten really close, we actually know quite a bit about each other now, considering all we do is talk and eat. Although once we did sleep together.


Anyway, Aoife only got to come over once because she's busy with work and... some other shit that she told me about. Sorry, but I wasn't listening.

Nope, you were daydreaming about Steve yet again.

Okay... Dad is allowed come back for today but only if Bruce is here and he does no strenuous activities.

*cough* Pepper *cough*

I got outta bed and got dressed, throwing on my 10th Doctor cosplay dress. I went to laze on the couch when I heard the open and shut.

I ran to the door and jumped into my dads arms. "Happy birthday, Princess." he whispered into my ear.

Princess! He stopped calling me that when I was five.

"I have your presents, cake and surprise set up and ready."

I groaned at the thought of the surprise. I knew that the cake was a Tardis cake and was amazing (Aoife made it)

"Everyone's coming over in about ten minutes, get ready."

"I am ready." I said, glancing a my outfit, uncertainly.

Suddenly, there was a knock at the door. "Ten minutes, huh?" I opened the door to find Bruce standing there with his hands full. I guess he kicked the door.

"Thanks for the help, Tony." Ah, sarcasm, my greatest friend.

Dad just pointed at the area of his wound. "No strenuous activities. That's why Kat took away Pepper's coming over rights."

"Pepper will not be coming." I think he knows that I don't particularly like Pepper but not that I hate her with the burning passion of a thousand white suns.

"She would be if I hadn't been shot. Especially later tonight." He winked at me. My father is disgusting. He is, I think, a walking innuendo.

"Get out." Bruce and I said simultaneously, causing me to laugh. I almost dropped what I had taken out of his hands. Dad just shrugged and walked away.

"Kat, don't look at the stuff you're holding." He used a teacher voice. Bruce has a teacher voice! You know that voice that teachers use! Yeah, he has one of those!

"Why? Is it a beheaded body, birthday surprises or naked pictures of Steve? Because I don't mind seeing those." I blurted without thinking.

Bruce raised an eyebrow and chuckled before asking. "Naked pictures of Steve? You like him, don't you? I ship it."

"You ship what, Bruce?" Oh, shit. Dads back.

"Stony." Dad gave Bruce a questioning look. "Oh, you don't know. Stony is the ship name for you and Steve. And I ship it."

"Okay....... I'm gonna leave before this gets any weirder." Dad backed out of the room, slowly.

I turned back to Bruce. "Did you really have to tell him about Stony? Now he'll look it up and he'll find Tumblr. He'll find the fanfics. Oh god. WHY DIDN'T YOU SAY CLINTASHA?"

Bruce shrugged. "Maybe because I don't ship Clintasha." My eyes widened in shock. Who in their right mind doesn't ship Clintasha?

I walked away without saying anything to Bruce and he quickly followed. "Sorry. Hey, actually before I forget, remember yesterday you were complaining about not being able to find a job? Do you wanna come work with me?"

I nodded and almost fangirled. Can you imagine fangirling in front of THE Bruce Banner!?!?! He probably asked dad about my level of intellect. He probably knows that I graduated from MIT when I was 14.

Oh well, now I certainly can't mess up.

"Just leave the stuff here, Kat. And don't worry, your secrets safe with me." He winked at me and did that stupid zipping mouth shit. I giggled which made him laugh.

Soon we were laughing so hard that I snorted. I instantly stopped and he looked at me weirdly. "Why'd you stop laughing? You know, I thought I was actually funny"

"Bruce, shut up. I stopped laughing because I snorted. I'm very insecure about my snort when I laugh too much"

He just nodded and looked behind me. "You shouldn't be insecure. The snort was kinda cute." Steve smiled at me.

That asshole! When did he get here?

"Your dad sent me down to tell you to put on the outfit in the room, I'm your date for the surprise thing he planned and to text him when you're ready"

I don't like the sound of this surprise.

No, you just like the fact that Steve is your date.

My brain needs to learn to shut up sometimes.

Hey penguins!
I swear so much that my autocorrect tried to change *shut* to *shit*
I kid you not.
Anyway I'm gonna forget about the updating schedule I had previously created and I'm just gonna update whenever I can

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