♛ Chapter V ♛

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"Your Majesty " 

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"Your Majesty " 

Yumi looked up from her file when she heard Jimin's voice.

"Finally got your attention , I've been talking for half an hour" he said as she glared at him.

"It's not funny Jimin " she said as she leaned against her chair.

"It is to me , " he said, placing the tea cup on her desk. 

"You've been working your ass  non stop since the day you knew about his Majesty..-" Jimin stopped looking at her.

"You know what, " he said, meaning The king's marriage.

"I just hope the people and country deserve all the hard work you're doing " he said and she frowned at him.

"Of course they do " She noted and Jimin hummed.

"Just so you know, Your hard work will always be remembered by the one who were impact by it , you're doing all this to help people to make a better place of our community and country but what are you getting to yourself" 

Yumi looked at Jimin as he spoke , he was right, the only thing she had for herself was the King yet she can't say that she still has him because She never did. 

She allowed herself to live in the imaginary world,pretending they were meant for each other while deep down she knew this day would come.

"I thought you were smart, " Jimin said when she met his eyes and she frowned.

"Excuse you " she said offended .

"Sorry, It's the truth " he stated, " You fucking refused the King's marriage proposal " 

"And you think you're smart ?" Yumi asked as she stood up.

"I refused the marriage proposal because I know it could never happened, Him and I belongs to different words , and even if it happened , I'm not ready to give up my status, my hard work and my future plans to be the queen to accompany him to event and smile and talk when I'm asked to and stay at the palace and manage it while he's gone, I want to help people, make a difference, be present when in the world as the change is happening " 

Yumi spoke as she wore her high heels and walked towards her office door, giving Jimin a smile.

"Now move , we have an event to attend" She said as Jimin shook his head and followed.

Yumi could give half of her life to only have a moment with him, but she had to convince herself They weren't meant to be.

"You should at least end it like most people do " Jimin noted as she glanced at him.

"We're already over "

"Why do I feel like it isn't " Jimin talked back as they walked to the big conference room where Taehyung was having a speech .

Yumi felt her heart break when she saw Lara sitting with Taehyung at the table while they chatted, a handsome smile filling his face as he spoke with her.

She hated it, she wanted to scream it out loud, why didn't he stop seeing her when he said it wasn't official , why was he making it more believable by the second.

"They make such a great couple " Jimin commented as Yumi closed her eyes in annoyance.

She knew Jimin was just wanting to make her realize her mistake and regret it, which she was already trying not to think of it a lot.

"Prime minister Sun " Yumi smiled as a young man approached her, getting Taehyung's attention.

"It's so lovely to finally meet you,Min Yoongi " the young man introduced himself.

"Sun Yumi " She smiled, shaking his hand.

"You're way beautiful that the pictures , if I may say " he flirted and Yumi smiled at him.

"I'm flattered, " she answered as Jimin made eye contact with Jungkook who stood by Taehyung's side.

"I suppose you're here to watch his Majesty's speech" Yoongi said as Yumi nodded.

"Aren't we all here for that " The Prince SeokJin joined them as they both bowed.

"How are you doing, Miss.Sun? " Seokjin asked as he smiled amusingly at Yumi.

"Doing good ,thank you for asking " She answered with a smile.

"Allow me to escort you to your table " he said , offering his arm, charmingly smiling at her.

"So nice of you thank you " She smiled, wrapping her hand around his arm.

"It was nice to meet you Mr.Min" she flashed Yoongi a smile and he did the same as they walked away.

Taehyung watched all the scenes from afar.He wanted to talk to her so badly but he knew once they talked it was over but he was still holding on to the little piece of hope he got. 

Just Maybe there could be something there still.

On the other hand he hated How SeokJin always takes the chance to flirt with her once he met her. He always hated it but he couldn't say anything since only few people know about their relationship.

"Your Majesty , we're ready for you " a Man spoke as Taehyung stood up and walked to the stage.

He bowed at people clapped for him then walked to the microphone stand. He greeted everybody and stared his speech that was so mesmerizing, everyone was listening to him carefully as he delivered every word correctly. 

Except for two people who stood at the back of the conference room, just watching with busy minds. Thinking of the right thing to do.

 "They should at least break it off officially" Jimin noted and Jungkook nodded.

"I agree " he said, glancing at Jimin, "you have anything in mind ?" He asked.

"Do we wanna bring them together or break them apart?" Jimin asked as Jungkook looked at Taehyung on the stage.

"Honestly I don't know, I just want them to clear the tension between them" He answered as Jimin chuckled next to him.

"You're sick of Reading the written reports" he remarked as Jungkook glanced amusingly at him.

"And probably you're sick from writing them" He stated and Jimin nodded.

 "They think ignoring the matter will bring everything back to normal but what they don't realize is they are avoiding each other" Jimin said as Jungkook looked at him.

"Then why don't we make them acknowledge each other ," He said and Jimin smiled at him.

"The ultimate Closed room ?" Jimin asked and Jungkook winked at him.

"I hope this gets mentioned in the country's history ," Jimin amused ,making Jungkook chuckle.

"It will definitely be mentioned in our files after we get fired " 

"It will definitely be mentioned in our files after we get fired " 

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