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Hawaii was amazing! Literally the best summer ever! At least that's what I thought for almost 3 years.

The next year after Hawaii we went camping as a family for a week. It was a great time but definitely didn't top the summer of a road trip and Hawaii.

The year after that we spent the whole summer looking for houses and staying at the beach house to see what it would like to live with each other. Just Daniel and I.

We practically live with each other already. We were always at each other's houses, every single day. So we knew this was going to come out with a good ending.

I didn't think anything could've topped a road trip and a flight to Hawaii which was in the same summer. Until this year. 3 years since the road trip. 3 years since the trip to Hawaii. 3 years of Daniel as my boyfriend. And 6 years of knowing this dude.

that I can now call my fiance.
That's right! He proposed!

Now I get to marry the love of my life. My best friend. My soulmate.

"Y/n, I love you" Daniel says, and takes two steps closer to me.

"and I love you" I say and admire the view we were near. It reminded me of Hawaii when we first said I love you to each other.

"I love your smile, I love your laugh, I love our inside joke of 'this boy' and 'this girl'. I love our relationship, I love that I can tell you anything. I love that you're understanding. I love that I can call you my best friend, and anything that falls in the category." He takes my hand and looks at the view then me giving me an adorable smile.

"I can stand here and go on all night about how much I love and adore you" he smiles "because I'm in love you with you, I'm in love with everything about you. You're such a wonderful person and I'm choosing to stay with you, forever" he lets go of my hand and speaks "our future"

He gets down on one knee. At this point my watery eyes begin to slowly go down my cheek. I adore this man so much and I'm flattered about all the kind things he just said. I can do the same, I can go all night and tell him about how much I adore him and why.

"Y/n, I want our future together, will you do me the extraordinary honor" he pauses taking out a square case "will you y/n y/m/n y/l/n be my wife?"

My hands that were once in a triangle over my nose. Were taken by his as I nodded my head repeatedly
"yes Daniel, yes I will!"

He gently takes my hand and carefully yet quickly slides the beautiful ring around my ring finger. Standing up and embracing me in a hug.

"I'm in love with you Daniel" I whisper

"And I'm in love with you"

This kiss we shared after, filled with passion and joy. I truly love this man and getting to call him my fiance is a dream come true.

Getting to call him my fiance would be amazing and I've accomplished that. But soon, getting to call him my husband will be something truly extraordinary.

Thank you for the Road Trip where we told each other our feelings.

Thank you for the flight To Hawaii where we officially become lovers.

Now I get to marry my best friend.

- A/N -

That's a wrap on To Hawaii! Thank you for reading both Road Trip and To Hawaii.

I hope you enjoyed the book and if you would like check out my current book Dance To Art.

I also wanted to say as for the double posts. They might not happen, I'm going to be volunteering and then I have drivers ed online. Then in late September I start school. Also a reason if I don't post at all.

Hint the might, because knowing me. When I have time I just might post the new book I'm working on because I have like 3 chapters done. Speaking of a new book, why not just give you the tea on others. I have like 3 ideas for books and a chapter done for each. Oops. But it's not much because its just the introduction.

So as long as I have time to write (which I'm bound to have some time) I will continue to post!

AnywayZ! Have a great day/night. Thank you again for reading my books! It truly means so much, thank you!

Road Trip // D.S. // To HawaiiWhere stories live. Discover now